Okyeame Kwame thrills at OK Stripped show
The deal at Okyeame Kwame’s OK Stripped show held at +233 Jazz Bar last week Friday was for his fans to ask him any question at all; even ask him to strip.
However, none of the patrons present was bold enough to ask their star to go that far but the evening was full of fun.
The OK Stripped concert started at 9p.m. with musician, Pinto, treating fans to good tunes from Akwaboah before introducing Okyeame Kwame on stage.
The highly interactive event saw Okyeame Kwame perform songs such as Faithful, Sika, Anaa, Tintinto, Temase, Medo Mmaa, among other hits.
Okyeame Kwame is a great performer any day; it seems he never got tired as he kept performing songs his fans wanted to hear.
With live music from Patch Bay Band keeping the fans on their feet for almost the entire duration of the show, the likes of Kodi, Flowking Stone, Spoken Word Artiste; Kwaku Rhyme-Sony, Poet; LeGrand Ransford Yartel Asibu, and Tijani also took turns to treat the audience to sterling performances.
Citi FM’s Akoto-Boateng and Lawyer Paa Ekow drove the crowd wild when they upstaged Okyeame Kwame on the night.
The duo hijacked the rapper’s microphone and performed Masanaba, a 1999 hit.
The venue became even more charged when legendary Afro-pop and Jazz musician, Rex Omar, stormed the stage with Abiba and Dada Di Da.
The highly enthralling night was capped with the video premiere of Meretwen Wo, a song which talks about the basic things some young men do while preparing for the arrival of a lover.