Kobina Ansah Hints of New Play; The Boy Called A Girl
Showbiz News
1 minute read
July may be far from now but playwright Kobina Ansah has already dropped hints of what he's likely to bring on stage. It's what he calls, "The Boy Called A Girl."
In a Facebook post, the Ghanaian playwright announced that his next play will stir a conversation.
Kobina Ansah is known for his queer style of getting the attention of his followers. He's known for his plays such as This Family Is Not For Sale [Season 1 and 2], I Want To Sue God, My Wife-in-law and Tribeless.
In a related post, the writer summed up, "The Boy Called A Girl is what you think but it's not what you think."
Is this new play really about what many are thinking? Well, only July can tell.
Source: Scribe News.