'I Want To Sue God' goes to Kumasi
After an impressive run on pre-Valentine’s Day on Legon campus, the #IWantToSueGod train makes its next stop on Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) campus, Kumasi.
The Kobina Ansah play is a romantic satire which mocks how we blame God for choices we make on our own, especially with regards to marriage. According to the story, a young man marries a woman under the pretext of a prophecy from God. Fortunately or unfortunately, his wife happens to be everything but a wife; she can’t even boil water! Eventually, he decides to sue God for setting him up in marriage.
In Legon, the high voltage, rib-cracking romantic comedy threw audience into a state of hilarity amidst many life lessons it taught. Interspersed with spoken-word artistry, the creative piece of art emphasizes how marriage shouldn’t be mistaken for a wedding, especially when one has to borrow to do so.
“If you don’t know your priorities, wedding becomes marriage and marriage becomes wedding,” the play teaches.
Kobina Ansah, a columnist with The Mirror, is a creative arts writer who is the brain behind many creative pieces of different literature genres. He is the writer/director of the stage plays This Family Is Not For Sale Season 1, This Family Is Not For Sale Season 2 and recently I Want To Sue God!
On March 6, 2016, KNUST will be boiling with #IWantToSueGod. Venue is CCB Auditorium. First show is at 5pm and second show is at 8pm. Rate is GH 15 (for students) and GH 20 (for others) and a spare rib. Early birds get it for less. Tickets can be ordered via 0208429778, 0500001089 or 0244521639.