Angelina Jolie hints at move into politics
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has hinted that she is considering a move into politics in the future.
In an interview on the BBC's Today programme, she said she would have dismissed this 20 years ago but would now go where she was needed.
Jolie, who is a special envoy to the UN Refugee Agency, was the guest editor of the Today programme on Friday.
She is an active campaigner on a range of issues, including refugees, sexual violence and conservation.
In a wide-ranging interview with presenter Justin Webb, she discussed US politics, social media, sexual violence and the global refugee crisis.
When asked whether she would one day run for the US presidency she said: "If you asked me 20 years ago, I would've laughed... I always say I'll go where I'm needed, I don't know if I'm fit for politics… but then I've also joked that I don't know if I have a skeleton left in my closet".
"I'm also able to work with governments and I'm also able to work with militaries, and so I sit in a very interesting place of being able to get a lot done."
She added that "for now", she would stay quiet.
When Justin Webb suggested that meant she could be on the list of 30 to 40 Democrats running for the party's presidential nomination, she did not say no, replying "thank you".
Jolie is one of a range of guest editors, including David Dimbleby and Martha Lane Fox, who are taking charge of the programme between 22 December to 1 January.
She also discussed the difficulties of monitoring her children's social media activities, highlighting that like "most parents", she cannot control everything they are exposed to.
"There are certain realities to teenagers and also our generation doesn't understand half of what they are doing with their tech so they can get around us pretty easy", she said.