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Akosua Adjepong

Akosua and the Highlife Heroes

Ace highlife musician Akosua Adjepong will on March 5 stage a concert dubbed Akosua and the Highlife Heroes at Atlantic Hotel in Takoradi.


The concert which aims at preaching peace towards this year’s elections will feature other highlife legends such as Daddy Lumba, Nana Ampadu, Paapa Yankson, AB Crentsil, Amandzeba and  K.K Fosu.

There will also be performances by Obaapa Christie, Nana Ama McBrown and Joe Beecham. All the artistes will be supported by the Immigration Band.

The concert, according to Akosua Adjepong, is also to give an opportunity to her fans in Takoradi to enjoy her perform live.

Speaking in an interview with Showbiz last week, Akosua Adjepong said she has been rehearsing with the Immigration band and that she is going to thrill her fans to songs  such as Kokooko, Medo Wo, Meye Obaa, Asiwa and Frema.

“Everyone knows how crazy Akosua is when I am on stage. It is going to be fireworks on that day and I entreat everyone to come to the event” she said.

According to her, this is the first time she will be performing in  Takoradi since she began her music career two decades ago and she wants to use the opportunity to treat the people of the Oil City to good music.

“Most of my friends come from Takoradi and I don’t think it is fair that I haven’t performed there since I began my career” she said.

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