Sacrifice, the lesson of Easter
Tomorrow is Good Friday, the day that begins the commemoration of the Easter Season, the period marking the great sacrifice our Lord Jesus Christ, who was without sin, had to make for the salvation of mankind.
So, as Christians, and by extension every citizen, it behoves all of us to emulate the spirit of sacrifice in our everyday endeavours.
Easter is celebrated as a reminder of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for the salvation of mankind.
To Ghanaian Christians, Easter is a day of remembering what Christ did on the cross for all mankind; not just remembering it but knowing that it was the foundation of their salvation. They believe that without the passion of Christ, people will not know that there is a place for them to go after death.
The resurrection of Christ gives people hope that there is something to look forward to, something to lean on that some day will bear fruit — and that is in heaven.
It is common knowledge that the celebration of Easter now transcends religion for adherents of the Christian faith in Ghana. Now people travel from the cities and urban centres to their respective towns and villages just to spend the Easter season with families and friends.
To some, Easter is a period of merry-making and revelling, with some spending the time at the beaches, tourist resorts and places of amusement.
The Daily Graphic believes that the essence of Easter, which is sacrifice, should not be lost on Ghanaians. Jesus Christ accepted to be sacrificed in order for mankind to receive eternal salvation.
We are reminded by the Holy Bible that there is no greater love than a man deciding to lay down his life for another. It is quite instructive to note that apart from the Christian faith, sacrifice as a virtue is something that all religious faiths embrace.
If, as a people, we embrace sacrifice as a core value and apply it in all our personal endeavours, our nation Ghana stands to gain immensely.
The enviable sense of patriotism bequeathed to us, which is evident in the composition of the National Anthem and the National Pledge by our forebears is fast waning.
Our greatest worry is the loss of our sense of sacrifice and patriotism. The spirit of ‘I don’t care’ and ‘it is up to the government or them’ is destroying the country. We are missing patriotism and sacrifice in the fabric of the Ghanaian society.
Few seem to care about events or activities taking place around them. Many of us are also looking up to the government and politicians to provide all we need, including cleaning our surroundings and providing our basic needs.
We all think about ourselves first, our families, our communities and, lastly, the country. But we forget that we all make up the nation and it is only we who can bring the country out of the woods. We cannot sit aloof and expect things to be done for us to enjoy them.
The Daily Graphic wishes to remind Ghanaians, particularly the youth, that our forebears sacrificed a great deal to bring this country this far.
Serving our country selflessly in every facet of our national lives should be the greatest goal of every Ghanaian. We must emulate our forebears’ selfless services to humanity in order to deal with the current challenges confronting this country. This will require that we change our mindset and mentality towards this country.
This is the truth that we celebrate at Easter, since Easter reminds us of the death and sacrifice of Christ for all humanity. Jesus’ sacrificial nature is worth celebrating every day, and what a blessing to spend this time of year particularly reflecting on it.
May the reality of the death and resurrection fill us with joyful hope in believing this Easter season and always!