We won't spend more, no new taxes - Ofori-Atta
The Minister of Finance, Mr Ken Ofori-Atta has said that the government would not introduce additional taxes for the purposes of raising more revenue.
He said the mid-year budget review, which he presented to Parliament on Thursday, will not also request permission to spend more than what was approved in the 2021 Budget Statement presented in March.
In his opening remarks during the midyear budget review presentation, Mr Ofori-Atta said he was not before the Legislatilure to ask for more money, in aparent retort to what has become the norm.
"Mr Speaker, I'm not here today to ask for more money. I have not come to ask for more taxes", he said, adding also that the government is managing the economy with discipline and competence.
The review presentation is a requirement under the Public Financial Management Act.