Nine tips to avoid missing a flight
Missing a flight can be a very frustrating and uncomfortable experience any traveller can go through.
The hustle and bustle of trying to immediately catch another flight to one’s destination can be extremely energy sapping and traumatic in many instances.
Sometimes people in such situations get lucky because they bear no cost in finding another flight because some airlines can be generous, but this mostly happens when the flights are domestic or regional, with many flights scheduled during a particular day.
However, should luck run out for an unfortunate passenger, then there will be cost implications because at least, the one affected will have to pay a minimum of half the cost of the ticket as penalty.
While many people do not wish such experiences on themselves, not many know how to avoid it; hence, the need to consider the following steps to be on a safer side at all times.
Check the date – and check again
When you’re booking, before clicking the buy button, make sure you’ve checked and re-checked the date (year matters, especially if booking at year end for next year), and departure time (is it a.m., p.m., or 24-hour time?). Check twice to avoid errors.
Next, you should verify your flight number and terminal.
Check the spelling of your name
Is your name spelled correctly? Does it match your ID? Are you sure you provided your proper email address and contact phone number when booking? Make sure that all such information is accurate.
Keep checking your info
Check your flight regularly prior to the day of travel. Review it weekly as the days get closer and for the last three to five days, check daily. Flights can be changed without notice since how and where you are traveling may be affected by weather, causing cancellations or delays.
If you must make a change because of an error, call the airline or travel agency immediately. Don’t wait. You may be more likely to get corrections when it’s within 24 hours of making your purchase.
Get to the airport on time
This rule is mostly skipped by passengers and this can lead to a missed flight if not adhered to. In this part of the world where there is a 24-hour road traffic, journeys to the airport can take a lot of time. It is normally better to get the airport on time, check in and wait to board a flight than to hurriedly rush through processes due to lateness.
Always have your passport and travel documents
Many people tend to forget these very important things to carry to embark on the journey. They are normally left combing their homes in search for these as it is required before a passenger is allowed on board.
In case of transits, look out for the boarding gates
Sometimes the airline could be delayed from the starting point and you would not have any control over such situations but when you land you must quickly go through the necessary checks on your next flight. – i.e. through immigration and passport control and always looks out for a boarding gate.
Pack belongings days before departure
Pre-select what you have to wear for the number of days or weeks you would be gone. To avoid missing flights, these should be done some days before to avoid rushing through packing bags and forgetting very important needed for the journey.
Look out for travel information on things you can carry
Some airlines do not allow certain kind of things you can carry. In certain cases when passengers get to the security check point and luggages are being checked they can miss a flight because of one item or another that was included in their luggage.
Check online to confirm check-in time
It's possible to miss your flight without ever getting stuck in a long security line. Airlines have specific rules for how far in advance passengers have to check in. The most common policy is 30 minutes for domestic flights and an hour for international flights, though some airlines have stricter requirements.
Most airlines, for instance, require passengers on all flights to arrive at least 45 minutes earlier, while other carriers close baggage check up to an hour in advance. To play it safe, always check in online ahead of time and avoid checking bags when possible.
Finding yourself with time to kill at the airport might not be ideal, but it's certainly better than finding you've missed your flight.