Glovo riders undergo training on road safety
A sensitisation workshop has been organised for couriers operating under the brand, Glovo, to expose them to safety measures while riding and the nature of the communities they operate in.
The workshop was also to help deepen awareness of road safety requirements and educate the riders on road signs and markings to effectively prevent road accidents in the course of their duties.
It was organised by Glovo Ghana in collaboration with the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service.
Speaking at the workshop in Accra last Wednesday, the General Manager of Glovo Ghana, Mrs Pearlyn Budu, said the workshop was organised to raise awareness about road safety requirements to ensure that riders complied with the regulations.
The workshop, she said, would be organised periodically to ensure that riders kept up with the regulations to help reduce road accidents involving motor riders in particular in the country.
"We realise that there was a huge rise in road accidents and we have heavily invested in making sure that we are not only protecting our riders but also the general public.
The Head of Education, Research and Training at the (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service, Superintendent Alexander Obeng, in his presentation said the current indisciplined driver behaviour and its associated high rate of road crashes leading to deaths, injuries and destruction of properties had placed a huge responsibility on all stakeholders to find solution to the carnage on the roads.
He explained that many of the road crashes were associated with human behaviour, adding that "designing road safety activity interventions which includes sensitisation, awareness creation, capacity building and defensive driver training is one of the basic and surest ways to impact and effect change."
"Adoption and application of road furniture such as road fixtures, markings and signs would not only make us defensive drivers but also ensure our survival and safety as drivers," he said.