Otto Addo--Black Stars coach
Otto Addo--Black Stars coach

Ahinful: Ghanaians must support Otto Addo

Augustine Ahinful, a former prominent figure in the Black Stars, has advocated unwavering support and patience towards the newly appointed national team head coach, Otto Addo. 


Ahinful's comments come amid mixed results in the team's first two outings under Addo's leadership.

Ahinful, who represented Ghana during his playing career, stressed that it would be premature to pass judgement on Coach Addo's competence based solely on the outcomes of the two friendly matches.

Despite a 1-2 defeat against Nigeria and a draw with Uganda, Ahinful urged Ghanaians to rally behind the coach and his team and emphasised the need for time to build a formidable squad capable of competing at the highest level.

"Those games were just friendly matches," Ahinful stated in an interview with Graphic Sports. "We need to give them whatever confidence they need, whatever help that we can give them to succeed."

Coach Addo, appointed in March alongside John Paintsil and Joseph Laumann, faced early scrutiny after the team's initial results. However, Ahinful believes that setbacks in friendly matches can serve as valuable learning experiences and highlighted the importance of identifying weaknesses and striving for improvement.

"Losing friendly matches is sometimes good for the team," Ahinful asserted. "It should put you on your toes and push you to do well in subsequent matches."
He called on Ghanaians to focus on the positives and work collectively towards building a stronger national team.

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