TMA to assess performance of assembly members
The Tema Metropolitan Assembly will from the third quarter of this year introduce a ‘horse racing assessment’ for performance of assembly members.
The Tema Metropolitan Chief Executive, Mr Yohane Amarh Ashitey, who announced this at the general assembly meeting, said the assessment would be carried out on a monthly basis as a way to deepen the participation of assembly members in the development of the metropolis.
He said it would also create healthy competition among assembly members to discharge their responsibilities to the people as required.
He said special awards would be handed over to winners every quarter as a form of motivation for the members to actively participate in the TMA’s activities.
The scheme, he said, would be managed by one of the assembly’s Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) using some Key Performance Indicators (KPI) fashioned around health, sanitation, operation clean your frontage, community engagement among others.
Under health, the assembly members would receive scores for the number of community health management committee meetings they attended and their participation in health facility assessment (Ghana Community Scorecard).
On sanitation, Mr Ashitey said the assembly members would be assessed based on the number of clean-up organised by unit committee members and actively participated by the assembly member by the Local Governance Act, 2016.“They would also be scored on the number of community engagements they organised after a general assembly meeting, as well as the number of meetings with unit committee members, facilitation and sustainability of community initiatives, attendance of parents’ teacher association meetings and school management committee meetings,” he added.
Mr Ashitey said assembly members would also be assessed on the number of general assembly meetings they attended, as well as subcommittees and sub-metro meetings.
According to the Key Performance Indicators (KPI), a score for exceptional activity or action would be acknowledged, while any breach of oath and misconduct as captured in the Local Government Act would attract a deduction in score.