One strong signal, 3-ways to connect, Team Bawumia unveils digital campaign platforms
One strong signal, 3-ways to connect, Team Bawumia unveils digital campaign platforms

One strong signal, 3-ways to connect, Team Bawumia unveils digital campaign platforms

The Bawumia Campaign Team has launched an innovative set of digital campaign donation platforms, inviting citizens to actively participate and contribute to his campaign in the upcoming NPP primaries and 2024 general elections. 


This comprises a Website (, USSD *202#, and a Mobile App (Bawumia Connect) to engage with supporters and also for them to contribute to his campaign ahead of the NPP Presidential Primaries slated for 26 August and November 4.

The newly launched digital campaign donation platforms offer a range of user-friendly options, making it easier than ever for citizens to engage with the campaign.

Supporters can now conveniently make contributions to the campaign, through secure online payment gateways, providing a seamless experience that matches the fast-paced nature of modern life also follow his campaign activities and interact with him digitally. 

The Vice President emphasized the importance of these digital platforms in promoting inclusivity and encouraging widespread participation. "Our campaign is fueled by the passion and enthusiasm of our supporters. By embracing technology, we are ensuring that every citizen who believes in our vision can contribute, regardless of their location," he stated during the launch event.

The campaign team's dedication to transparency is evident in the real-time tracking feature integrated into the platforms. Donors can readily monitor how their contributions are being utilized, enhancing accountability and building trust between the campaign and its supporters.

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