Kennedy Agyapong speaking at his 64th birthday celebration
Kennedy Agyapong speaking at his 64th birthday celebration

I am not going independent, I remain an NPP member – Kennedy Agyapong

Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong, says he remains a member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and has no intention of contesting the December elections as an independent presidential candidate.


Speaking at his 64th birthday celebration on Sunday, June 16, the MP denied any intention of running as an independent candidate in the 2024 general election, noting that it would not be a “wise thing to do.”

“I have not resigned from the party; I am not going independent. I am still an NPP member,” he stated.

It will be recalled that Mr. Agyapong came second to Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia in a keenly contested NPP presidential primary last November.

In February, he stated that he would not involve himself deeply in the campaign of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia but was recently seen on the campaign trail with the Vice President in the Ashanti Region.

Speaking at his birthday celebration, Mr. Agyapong urged both his supporters and Dr. Bawumia’s supporters to reconcile, stressing that there are no groups of "Kennedy Agyapong’s supporters" or "Vice President’s supporters," but only NPP supporters.

“We are all party people, and it will be best for us to come together. So I am pleading with my supporters: let's use my birthday to reconcile,” he stated.

“So I am pleading with the NPP supporters that with a united front, we can win the election in 2024.”

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