Rotary Club of Accra-Labone gives to Patang Hospital
The Rotary Club of Accra-Labone has donated over a year’s supply of sanitary towels to female inmates of the Patang Hospital in Accra.
The donation to the 61 inmates of the two female wards was to help them cope comfortably with their monthly cycles and relieve caregivers of what they described as a ‘real challenge’ particularly for inmates who need round-the-clock attention.
Led by its President Yaw Korankye Abrokwa, members of the club visited the wards to interact with nurses in a bid to learn of what other areas the club could be of support.
Members were told that while several conditions such as biological, psychological and environmental factors are known to be precipitating factors for mental challenges, the conditions have no known causes. It is therefore prudent for every individual to submit to mental examination periodically.
“The Constitution of Ghana requires of people who offer themselves to lead the country to be of sound mind, but that is only achievable through examination. You can never tell the mental state of any individual by the look on his face, and that is why we must all go through mental examination from time to time”, said Hospital PRO Elvis Akuamoah.
The Nurse Manager of the Hospital, Madam Mary Kalawu who received the donation, expressed gratitude to members of the Rotary Club of Accra-Labone and said the intervention was unique and timely.
She assured that all the pieces of pads will go to support the upkeep of inmates.