Woman assaulted by colleague in viral video says attack was over GH₵90
Ms. Martha Adutwumwaa

Woman assaulted by male colleague in viral video says attack was over GH₵90

Martha Adutwumwaa, the 28-year-old mobile banker who was assaulted by a male colleague and a video of the incident widely circulated online, says the attack occurred following an argument over a GH₵90 shortage in her collections for the day.


According to Ms. Adutwumwaa, who had a swollen left eye, she exchanged words with her manager, Ayivor Elikplim, after explaining to him that she did not have enough money to pay for the shortage.

In a radio interview with Adom FM, she said she did not have any issues with Mr. Elikplim at the savings and loans company [name withheld] before that day until her collections came up short.

She disclosed that she went to sit down after telling Mr. Elikplim that she did not have the money, admitting that they both insulted each other during the dispute.

She said that out of anger, Mr. Elikplim started abusing her, which provoked her to respond in equal measure after he accused her of being a witch.

Ms. Adutwumwaa said Mr. Elikplim pounced on her after she challenged his claim that he could break her down.

Elikplim Ayivor has been convicted by the Nkawkaw Magistrate Court.

He was arraigned last Tuesday on a charge of assault to which he pleaded guilty.

He is expected to be sentenced on July 1.

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