Over-billing issues to be resolved by June ending - ECG assures Ghanaians

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has assured the public that it would resolve all billing anomalies by the end of June 2016.


According to the ECG, it has taken note of the various complaints of customers and stakeholders concerning the bills but disagreed with the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) that the anomalies were as a result of the new billing software being used by the company.

The PURC last month directed the ECG to suspend the use of its new billing software until further notice. According to the PURC, following complaints by consumers regarding issues of over-billing and the Commission’s investigations into the complaints, it had concluded that there were, indeed, anomalies associated with the use of the new billing software, called the Commercial Management System (CMS).

However, a statement issued on Monday by the ECG said there was no problem with the software which the company said had been procured with support from the World Bank under the Ghana Energy Development and Access Project (GEDAP), to improve the billing system.

Since its inception in May 2015, a total of 8.5 million bills have been produced. Out of this total, some billing anomalies of 7,823 representing 0.09% error have been identified. So far, 4,050 of anomaly bills representing 0.05% of the bills produced are yet to be resolved,” the statement explained.

The statement further added that concerns surrounding the application of the software have been addressed, and that “there is no problem with the CMS software."

According to the ECG, “the issues are the usual challenges that accompany initial application of every new system.”

Please watch the Managing Director of the ECG, Mr Robert Dwamena apologise on behalf of the ECG and explaining how the new billing system works



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