Nkoranza North: Lordina Mahama supports hairdressers and dressmakers

Nkoranza North: Lordina Mahama supports hairdressers and dressmakers

Former First Lady Lordina Dramani Mahama has donated equipment to support hairdressers and dressmakers in Busunya, a community in the Nkoranza North constituency in the Bono East region.


The donation, under the auspices of the Lordina Foundation, which included 120 sewing machines, 100 hair dryers, and accessories, is aimed at supporting recently graduated apprentices as well as ‘master’ craftswomen who are providing training to young girls in the district.

In her address, Mrs Mahama emphasised the importance of taking their careers serious and avoiding procrastination and lack of commitment to meeting customer deadlines.

She urged the beneficiaries to uphold quality customer service as the key to maintaining current customers and attracting new ones.

She reiterated former President Mahama’s promise of a transformative Free Apprenticeship Programme.

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