NHIA CEO commends Rotary Club of Accra-Airport Polio Eradication drive

Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, CEO of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), has voiced his wholehearted support for the Rotary Club of Accra-Airport's endeavour to eradicate polio.


Speaking at the Arise for Polio Fundraising Breakfast Meeting, Dr. Boye praised Rotary International's commendable 37-year-long global campaign against polio.

He underscored the importance of continued vigilance in light of Ghana's 2019 outbreak of circulating vaccine-derived polio type 2 (cVDPV2) after a decade of polio-free status. Despite the added challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Health, in conjunction with partners including Rotary Club, responded promptly with various vaccination campaigns.

Dr. Boye emphasized the devastating impact of polio, particularly on children, highlighting its potential for permanent paralysis or death. Although Africa was declared polio-free in 2020, he stressed the ongoing need for vigilance and collaboration.

To achieve polio eradication, Dr. Boye emphasized the importance of evidence-based strategies, such as robust health surveillance and efficient vaccine management. He also highlighted NHIA's commitment to providing quality healthcare for children under five by waiving premiums and waiting times for renewal or registration.

Recognizing the significance of disease prevention in achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030, NHIA pledged its support for the Rotary Club Accra-Airport's Polio Fund by donating GHS20,000.00 in advance of World Polio Day.

Dr. Boye concluded by congratulating Rotary International and commending the Rotary Club Accra-Airport for their commendable initiative. 

He extended blessings to both organizations, emphasizing their shared dedication to Ghana's prosperity and well-being.

During the event, Rotarian David Osei Amankwah, the District Governor of Rotary District 9104, praised the Rotary Club of Accra-Airport for their exceptional commitment to polio eradication. 

He urged the club to continue its support for vaccination campaigns, community engagement, and fundraising efforts, emphasizing the collective responsibility to achieve a polio-free future.

Ms. Theresa Osei Tutu, a Past Assistant Governor of Rotary Club of Accra-Airport, highlighted the importance of fundraising to prevent new polio cases globally, even though only Afghanistan and Pakistan remain endemic. 

She emphasized the Rotary Club of Accra-Airport's commitment to raising a minimum of $10,000 for the effort. 

She further explained that every dollar raised by Rotary members would be matched with two additional dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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