Dr. Shine Agatha Ofori, the interdicted headmistress of West Africa Senior High School (WASS)
Dr. Shine Agatha Ofori, the interdicted headmistress of West Africa Senior High School (WASS)

NAGRAT demands reinstatement of interdicted WASS Headmistress

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) is calling for the immediate reinstatement of Dr. Shine Agatha Ofori, the interdicted headmistress of West Africa Senior High School (WASS).


The Ghana Education Service (GES) took the decision to interdict Dr. Shine Agatha Ofori on allegations of collecting unauthorized fees from students. However, NAGRAT believes that this action reflects the wider challenges faced by senior high schools across the country.

RELATED ARTICLE: WASS headmistress interdicted for allegedly collecting unauthorised money from students

During a press conference today, Mr. Angel Carbonu, the president of NAGRAT, asserted that the headmistress did not commit any wrongdoing. Instead, he urged the government to focus on providing adequate financial resources to schools to enhance the overall quality of education.

Mr. Carbonu accused the government of using the headmistress as a scapegoat and called on them to direct their efforts towards improving service delivery in schools nationwide.

"The issue goes beyond West Africa Senior High School; it is a nationwide problem. Singling out headteachers in this manner is absolutely wrong and unacceptable," Mr. Carbonu stated.

NAGRAT is urging the government to engage with stakeholders to review the Free SHS policy and address the rapid deterioration of schools. They appealed to the government to make pragmatic decisions in the interest of education and promptly reinstate Dr. Shine Agatha Ofori and any other headteachers facing similar situations.

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