Marshallans mark Founders’ Day
The Assistant Parish Priest of the St Charles Lwanga Catholic Church, Abeka, Rev Fr Julius Keeke, has called on Ghanaians to use their God-given talents to help improve society.
That, he said, also required that Ghanaians lived up to their responsibilities to their families, the community and the country as well.
He made the call in a sermon during the commemoration of Founders’ Day by the Accra West Regional branch of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall, at the Charles Lwanga Catholic Church last Sunday.
It was on the theme, “The Marshallan: An agent of the new evangelisation”.
The Marshallans also presented an undisclosed amount of money to support the activities of the church to the Parish Priest, Rev Fr Konrad Dreyer.
Develop talents
Rev Fr Keeke said God had given every individual a talent which he or she must develop to impact positively on society.
He likened the failure to develop one’s skill or specialty to the Biblical servant who buried the talents given him by his master, as captured in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30.
Rev Fr Keeke said living up to one’s responsibilities also meant that Ghanaians clean up their environment, not throw garbage into drains, pay their taxes, among other social responsibilities, without awaiting promptings from the authorities.
In a Founders’ Day message read on his behalf by the Regional Grand Knight, Worthy Bro. Peter Wireko, the Supreme Knight, Sir Kt. Joseph Ekow Paintsil, urged Marshallans to be well versed in the Catholic teachings so that they could defend the church.
He said having an in-depth understanding and full grasp of the Catholic faith would empower them to effectively evangelise.