Institute of Technical Supervision appeals for help
Urgent measures are needed in place to resource the institute of Technical Supervision (ITS) else it risks losing its relevance.
The centre, established under the Ghana Civil Service to train technical supervisors of various government agencies, is currently bedeviled with numerous problems especially inadequate finance.
According to the Principal of ITS, Mr John Welbeck, the low patronage of training programmes has affected the institute’s capacity to secure the needed funds to run the centre.
Compounding the woes of ITS, he said, was the massive encroachment on the institute’s land by private developers, making it extremely difficult for future expansion of the institute.
Graduation ceremony
Mr Welbeck said this at a graduation ceremony for 27 technical supervisory managers in Accra yesterday.
They included 18 senior officers and nine junior officers from 15 institutions. Some of the institutions from where the graduate came were the Ghana Ports and Habours Authority (GPHA), Ghana Cocoa Board, the University of Ghana Medical School, the Ghana Water Company Limited, and the Food Research Institute.
Mr Welbeck expressed disappointment that although the institute, for the past 57 years, had played its part in the development of middle-level technical supervisory officers, it continued to face infrastructural problems.
He said technical officers had been relegated to the background and appealed to organisations to provide funds for the training of technical personnel.
Touching on the training programme, Mr Welbeck said the technical officers were trained in maintenance management, ethical leadership, productivity improvement, and effective supervisory skills.
Don’t be satisfied
A former Principal of ITS, Mr Ocansey Kromwell Koom, urged the graduands not to be satisfied with the training received but continue improving their skills.
Mr Koom also called on the government to properly resource the ITS to enable it to provide efficient training for technical officers.