Ghanaians are notoriously careless about security – Security capo
A former National Security Co-ordinator who also served as Director of the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI), Mr Kofi Bentum Quantson has expressed disquiet about the nonchalant attitude of Ghanaians to security.
He says the lax, even about personal security, is so serious there is urgent need for a rethink.
An approach towards an enduring solution, he said could be introducing the subject of security – both personal and environmental – into school curricula so that everyone is thought what to do to ensure their safety.
Mr Bentum Quantson was contributing to discussions on Radio Gold over security concerns raised Monday by members of parliament in the wake of the recent spate of murders and how prone members of the public were to violent attacks and criminality in general.
The man who was also once the Executive Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board said Ghanaians were notorious when it comes to their lack of concern over matters such as personal safety and that it would pay for people to take keen interest in what goes on around them and to know where to seek urgent help when a situation arises.
He said since there is no perfect society or police anywhere, it takes an effective collaboration between members of the public and security providers to deter crime or to arrest offenders, saying that the provision of timely and accurate information is critical in combatting crime.
He said several developments, including challenges in the sub-region, greed and materialism, as well as the proliferation of arms, (registered and unregistered guns in the arms of all manner of people) have led to the apparent rise in gruesome murders in Ghana.
Mr Bentum Quantson said so lax is the security consciousness that it is possible to see some “wretched” security provider sitting in front of a bank playing lotto or minding some other business than providing security. Others could be seen in shopping malls displaying their loaded wallets, thereby attracting deviants.
Security analyst Dr Kwesi Aning, who had earlier on canvassed the same concerns, expressed worry that there had not been enough education on what do in an emergency, saying for many, what numbers to call for help is a huge challenge.