Kobina Dickson (3rd from left), Relationship Manager, VN Commodities, presenting the items to Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa (2nd from left), MP, North Tongu, and other opinion leaders in the area
Kobina Dickson (3rd from left), Relationship Manager, VN Commodities, presenting the items to Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa (2nd from left), MP, North Tongu, and other opinion leaders in the area

VN Commodities supports Volta flood victims

VN Commodities, an import and export company, has presented large quantities of assorted items to the Volta Lake flood victims.


The items included 100 bags of 25 kilo rice and 100 cartons of cooking oil;.

The Relationship Manager of the company, Kobina Dickson, who made the presentation, said “our motivation is mainly to help minimise the effects of the devastation caused by the floods on the beneficiaries in line with our corporate social responsibility.

He described the floods as disastrous and expressed the hope that the gesture will go a long way to alleviate the pain of the people. 


The (NDC) Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, together with some opinion leaders who received the items, thanked the management of VN Commodities for the kind support.

The MP said the floods had created some challenges for residents and said that the items would help alleviate their plight.

He pledged their commitment to distribute the items evenly to the people.

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