Ghana must win Election 2016 to consolidate democracy
My belief is that if there is anytime in the history of the church and all citizens of any nation to pray for good and God fearing people to be voted into power, it is now.
It is in this era of last minute campaigning that we need each other. Political candidates need voters to go out and vote massively for them to win.
Politicians can now also realise more that the potential power to be in office does not rest with them, regardless of their individual strength, intellect, tribe, greed, wealth and religious background.
We must see unity and oneness as the bible espouses.
In fact, if we all have the biblical teachings embedded in our philosophies and ideologies through love and faith, we can clearly see we are one family seeking the best leaders for our cherished nation.
Subsequent to this truism we must appreciate the beauty and the value of the common person in our society because their votes count.
When those who are chosen and elected come into power, they must also reciprocate by conscientiously remembering the poor, vulnerable, the young and the elderly in society.
We must make sure that all leaders in various positions of trust show concern to all citizens in order to reduce suffering.
In the same way, the underprivileged being assisted must show seriousness, work hard and be honest in their pursuits for economic improvement.
National development a collective effort
Set simple, doable, short, medium and long-term goals as the national agenda for all people. We must insist on working for the benefit of all - not for the benefit of the few privileged at the top and advantageous positions.
This is often forgotten few months when the chosen is in power. It is my earnest prayer that this will not be so.
Because voters exhibit love, passion, spend time, use talents and treasure them, they expect from leaders excellence in leadership, integrity, accountability, infrastructure and practical policies.
They expect empowerment to be self-reliant, the setting of pragmatic examples and an increase in research and skills development among the people.
The citizens also expect the leaders to promote unity, a sense of nationalism and patriotism in the nation.
They believe that leaders must truly walk the talk, show passion for innovation and domestication. China, Singapore South Korea and India are proven records.
Utmost faith
Our fervent prayer is that we all would exercise utmost faith. God answers prayers.
May there not be violence during and after the election.
Mayhem, destruction and war will never make any nation great. It is love for one another, knowledge, hard and smart work and patriotism through the grace of God that build a nation.
Let us all march to the polling station with joy like going to watch a football match, knowing that eventually one will win and the other lose. The loser must accept defeat and hope for the next opportunity.
We must move our nation forward and make it proud. We must set a strong, ethical and working foundation to build our nation.
African leaders must seek more wisdom to generate homegrown ideas and continue to form strong alliances with nations that are willing to partner with us for development.
Public service
We must know that public service is sacrifice with honour and not the opposite, as some have turned it into.
Making that honourable position sometimes smacks of greed because some people exhibit ostentatious living.
Some politicians give a negative impression among the youth about politics, forgetting that some politicians have worked hard for what they have or posses.
I humbly suggest that for the sake of others, people occupying political positions should all be modest.
To all winners, please consider the people who stood with you to win and do not forget your promises to discharge your duties with dignity.
Serve with loyalty and exhibit the righteousness that will exalt our nation.
May God bless this election.
May His angels stand at all corners of the land and in our hearts, and may everyone work towards a peaceful election.
There must not be destruction and violence. When it is over, it is over. We must support the incumbent if he wins, as well as the opposition if they win.
God knows the best for His people. He rules in the affairs of men in His kingdom.
Everybody must go out and vote with love for our beloved country Ghana.
We must pray for the Electoral Commissioner, the polling agents, the officers and the police.
Let all things be done decently and in order.
God will declare His chosen leaders for the next four years, which will expire very quickly.
May peace continue now and after.
God bless our homeland Ghana.
The writer is the Founder of Mission Africa Inc and organiser of the African Union Conference in collaboration with the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship.