Eni Foundation renovates Half Assini Hospital
The Half Assini Government Hospital in the Jomoro District in the Western Region has been renovated and re-equipped to improve healthcare delivery in the area.
The entire hospital structure has been renovated, while a new operating theatre has been built.
Other facilities that have received a facelift are the Maternity Block, the Dental Unit, the Out-Patient Department (OPD), the Dispensary and the X-Ray units.
The Male and Female wards have also been expanded and furnished, while modern beds have been provided.
The project was sponsored by the Eni Foundation, with support from Eni Ghana, lead operators of the Offshore Cape Three Points (OCTP) Sankofa project.
The Secretary General of the Foundation, Dr Filippo Uberti, said the project was in line with the Health Ministry’s strategies to achieve MDGs 4 and 5.
The intervention area covers the coastal districts of Jomoro, Ellembele and Ahanta West that have a population of about 380,000.
Mr Alex Segbefia, (2nd right facing camera), Dr Domenico Noviello the President of the Eni Foundation, chiefs and elders of Half Assini and officials of the regional and district directorates of the Ghana Health Service in a discussion after the inauguration of the facility.
He urged the Health Ministry and the Ghana Health Service (GHS) to ensure the regular maintenance of the facility to serve its intended purpose.
The Medical Superintendent of the hospital, Dr Jonathan Mensah, said the completion of the renovation would facilitate health care at the hospital.
At a ceremony to hand over the facility, the Minister of Health, Mr Alex Segbefia, commended Eni Ghana and the foundation for their commitment to improve health facilities in the district.
About five years ago, the Eni Foundation signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the ministry to support the ministry’s efforts to achieve MDGs 4 and 5 intended to reduce child mortality by improving maternal health.
Mr Segbefia said the ministry was pleased with the support by the foundation that had helped to complete eight Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compounds, 10 health centres and two hospitals.
“Another heartwarming part is that aside from all the contributions, it has also been able to provide medical equipment, including 14 vehicles, and trained 384 health personnel to strengthen the administrative capacity at the district and regional levels,” he indicated.