Don't just party during birthdays; Examine yourself - Justice Crabbe
A retired Supreme Court Judge, Justice V.C.R.A.C. Crabbe, has admonished Ghanaians not to use their birthday celebrations to party but to use the occasion to examine their life.
According to him, it was only when people critically examined their life well that, they would be able to position themselves well in life.
He said birthday celebrations should rather serve as reminders to people for them to examine their lives to see whether they were making an impact or not.
Justice Crabbe, who was narrating a flash fiction his mother told him when he was a child as a background to his exposition on ‘values and identity’ during a national dialogue, organised by the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) on Wednesday, advised parents to be interested in inculcating good values in their children.
He said parents served as the principal source from where children learned values and the identity of their society in order to enable them to become responsible adults in future.
He explained that children everywhere learned values from their homes and that if parents failed to inculcate good values in their children, the nation will fail to instill in its citizens the values of the country.
The programme, 2017 National Dialogue, was on the theme: “Restoring the Ghanaian identity: our values, our pasion”.