Accra Bourse continues to soar
Healthy gains in 10 equities on the Accra bourse helped to maintain its rise with the main index climbing by 67.25 points to 5,665.04 from Monday's close of 5,597.79 points. Change for year was also up at 59.42 per cent.
Unilever and Mobil Oil Ghana Limited led the way with 500 cedis gain each at 19,000 cedis and 37,500 cedis.
SSB Bank was 451 cedis better at 26,001 cedis, Fan Milk Limited was up 194 cedis at 5,400 cedis and Paterson Zochonis gained 101 cedis at 3,101 cedis.
Aluworks, British American Tobacco and Ghana Commercial Bank made 100 cedis each. Aluworks ended at 9,000 cedis, British American Tobacco ended at 6,900 cedis and GCB was better at 15,300 cedis.
Home Finance Company Limited was 99 cedis better at 9,100 cedis and Cocoa Products Company gained 70 cedis at 1,100 cedis. Total number of shares traded ended at 229,800 shares from 151,400 shares at the Monday trading.
Market capitalisation went up to 17,950.45 billion cedis from 17,780.58 billion cedis.
The following are the last prices of listed equities in cedis:
ABL 605 AGC 28,650 ALW 9,000 +100 BAT 6,900 +100 CFAO 85 CMLT 665 CPC 1,100 +70 EIC 16,200 FML 5,400 +194 GBL 1,700 GCB 15,300 +100 GGL 9,360 HFC 9,100 +99 MGL 275 MLC 1,600 MOGL 37,500 +500 PAF 740 PBC 3,920 PZ 3,101 +101 SCB 70,001 SPPC 390 SSB 26,001 +451 SWL 290 TBL 16,000 UNIL 19,000 +500