Accra: 445 Apprentice dressmakers take examination
The Greater Accra Zone of the Ghana National Tailors and Dressmakers Association (GNTDA) last Saturday conducted a professional examination for 445 apprentices in Accra.
In Accra, the practical examination was held at centres including the Kwabenya Senior High School, Ngleshie Amanfro Senior High School, Hodem Vocational Institute, Teshie Technical Training Centre (TTTC) and the Government Technical Training Centre.
In an interview after touring the centres, the Greater Accra Chairman of the GNTDA, Abdul Aziz Ali, said the examination held twice a year in April and September was part of efforts to certify and formalise the operations of tailors and dressmakers in the country.
He said the GNTDA provides practical training to over 60,000 apprentices per year, of which 6,000 apprentices participate in national practical tests at the intermediate level every year.
He said the Commission For Technical And Vocational Educational Training certificates that will be handed to the candidates was proof that they were ready to be employed or start their own businesses.
Mr Ali urged the government and corporate bodies to partner with the GNTDA in the national effort to reduce youth unemployment by providing apprentices with soft loans and sowing machines to start their own businesses.
The Greater Accra Coordinator of GNTDA, Christiana Afreh said the apprentices were trained for three years in preparation for the examination.
The exam involves candidates sewing a garment in four hours.
She said the results would be published next month and graduation ceremonies held for successful candidates.