4-year-old boy with throat condition receives GH¢17,000 donation for surgery

A four-year-old boy suffering from Tracheoesophagael Fistula and Esophageal Atresia has been supported with GH¢17,000 for surgery.


It is a condition where the esophagus narrows or comes to a blind end and does not connect with the stomach as it normally should.

The mother of four-year-old Jesse Kudzordzi received the cheque for GH¢17,000 donated by Luckweb Ghana, a lottery company.
Jesse Kudzordzi was diagnosed with the condition at birth.

He is fed through a tube connected to his stomach.

Speaking to the media after the presentation of the cheque, the mother, Millicent Kudzordzi, said the surgery was supposed to have been done at age two, but she could not raise funds for it.

She said life has been very unbearable for her family due to the condition of Jesse.

She said she is unable to work as she had to always blend Jesse’s food and pump it through the tubes to keep him healthy.

The surgery is expected to be conducted at the Korle bu Teaching Hospital in Accra.

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