Teachers schooled on teaching skills, methods
More than 950 junior high school (JHS) teachers in the New Juaben municipality have undergone a capacity-building workshop to help them improve upon their teaching skills and methods.
The training workshop was organised by the Presbyterian College of Education (PCE), Akropong-Akuapem, in collaboration with the New Juaben Municipal Education Directorate.
The teachers were given practical lessons in teaching skills and methods and effective ways of motivating students to give their best by tutors of PCE.
They were also taught the current trends in their respective subject areas and the best ways to prepare their students for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).
Subjects covered under the training included English, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies, Religious and Moral Education, Ghanaian Language, Pre-Technical Skills and Pre-Vocational Skills.
More improvement
The Principal of PCE, Reverend Samuel Yeboah Antwi, said this year, the college decided to expand the number of beneficiaries of the programme to include teachers from private schools.
“Last year we only invited teachers from public schools, but now we have included teachers from private schools and have also increased the subject areas,’’ he said.
The aim of the programme, he said, was not only to build the capacity of teachers but also to provide a platform that would enable the teachers to interact and share ideas.
Last year, he said, through the support of the Akuapem Presbytery, the college was able to offer the training to teachers from six districts in the Eastern Region.
“This year, we had to entirely fund the programme. We, therefore, appeal to corporate bodies and organisations to support us to extend this service to every part of the country.
“Educational institutions can also invite us to provide this service to their teachers,’’ he added.
The New Juaben Municipal Deputy Director of Education in charge of supervision and monitoring, Ms Akua Abrefa Adjei, noted that the programme was crucial to teachers’ performance, as well as that of students.
“Our teachers need to sharpen their skills periodically and there is also the need for them to know the current trends and also know what it takes to be an outstanding teacher,’’ she stated.
She noted that the teachers needed to build their capacity in order to provide exceptional teaching to students preparing to write the 2017 BECE, adding; “We want better performance in this year’s exam.’’