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Resolve to win
It is also the most powerful weapon you have because it controls everything you do.
The good thing about the mind is that it is neutral and operates on the computer principle of garbage in, garbage out (GIGO).
Your mind is the computer and what you think about is the software that processes what you put in.
Your mind, therefore, helps you achieve what you want.
You are, therefore, what you think you are because as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
If you believe in something and work at it, you get it.
You are, therefore, not ready for a successful relationship until you believe you can get it.
The only thing that happens to your relationship is what you put on your mind.
Therefore, the key to the success of every area of your life, including your marriage and family, is your mind.
Your resolve to win is the single most important determinant to your success in your life and marriage.
Positive thinkers
Positive thinkers entertain thoughts, words and images that are conducive to the growth and success of their relationships.
They are always thinking of how to make their relationships work.
In their mind’s eye, they see themselves as winners by visualising scenes in their relationships before they happen in reality.
They see problems as normal and think more about the solutions.
They work hard to win without thinking of what happens should they fail.
They always find out what they can do better to improve upon their relationships.
A positive thinker has a mission and vision.
He makes up his mind on what to do in a relationship.
He engages his mind on what will get him to his goals.
He does not allow what he cannot do to interfere with what he can do.
He works towards his goals knowing anything worthwhile needs effort.
A positive thinker expects good results, happiness, joy, health and the successful outcome of every situation.
He knows he will win and tunes his mind to it.
He is like a man who builds his house on the rock.
It stands firm when the storms arise.
• A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results (Wade Boggs)
• If you keep your faith, trust and right attitude, you will see God open new doors (Joel Osteen)
• Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude (Lou Holtz)
• Your positive action, combined with positive thinking, results in success (Shiv Khern)
• I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and the desire to do it and put the time in (Roger Clemens)
Resolve to win
Life is difficult. People have challenges, family members get sick and people grow older.
You don’t always get the job or promotion that you want.
You have conflicts in your life.
And really, life is about your resilience and your ability to go through your life and all the ups and downs with a positive attitude (Jennifer Hyman).
Positive and negative thinking are both contagious.
You affect yourself and relationship by your thinking.
Your partner senses your aura and is affected positively or negatively just as you have put in your mind.
Your thinking is, therefore, the key difference between your success and failure in your relationship.
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you are going to live your life (Joel Osteen).
A positive image is the best possible preparation for success (Joyce Brothers).
Therefore, if you ever hoped for a fulfilling relationship, always create an aura of success around it.
Whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent, think about such things (Ph. 4:8).
Appreciate that what you think about your relationship is like placing an order in a restaurant.
It will come to you just as you order it.
You will be what you think.
If you think positive, you will rejoice in all things and give thanks for all things.
Therefore, visualise this day to have a fulfilling relationship. See it. Feel it. Believe in it.
Make a mental blueprint for victory and you will win. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.
Expect victory in your relationship and you will find it.
If you wonder if you can have a happy and fulfilling marriage, the answer is simple; yes, you can, just because you have resolved to win.
This year, resolve to be successful in your relationship and it will happen!