Wardrobe essentials for women
Most women I know possess an unusual ability to multitask. Some of you are wives, mothers, business owners, home makers and have a career to juggle as well.
Getting into that casual mode in fashion should prepare you psychologically, to unwind and go with the flow. The onus certainly lies on you to make the best of your image. So take up the challenge!
Now, take a careful look at your make-up. When was the last time you actually replaced them?
What is the state of your hair? Are you seriously walking about with a three-month old weave-on or braid? Do you notice people standing far away from you when speaking with you?
Well do a check; it may be the foul odour from your over-aged hair do! Tell yourself “I deserve better than this, it is my right to look good”.
Do you practice personal hygiene? When was the last time you actually practiced it. S in shaving upstairs and downstairs? Ladies! Let’s wake up to these realities!
And your bras? When last did you change them? Have the colours changed from bright white to light brown? Really ladies! We need to get our act together.
We need to define ourselves through our image. The image we want others to have of us.
You have worked hard to achieve the work status you currently enjoy. Learn to match it with good grooming and etiquette. When in doubt, request for a training programme.
Ladies, let’s stop struggling with cheap plastic jewelry. It’s OK if that is what we can afford for now. However, should our finances improve, then let’s improve on our choice of wardrobe and accessories.
Appreciate the fact that you have worked hard to earn what you have now don’t ruin it by going for cheap things when you know you can do better.
Focus more on quality items which will last longer and provide you with a sense of confidence. Let’s not live our lives regretting what we are now and all that we could have done or achieved.
Ladies, let’s empower ourselves through good grooming fashion and style. You owe it to yourself to aim to look good and feel good! Now, get yourself busy and plan ahead for the holiday seasons. Give me a feedback, write, text or call me for any question you may have.
Have a blessed holiday season in advance.