Spend wisely, spend reasonably
Between quality and quantity, I have always opted for quality. If you must invest in clothing and accessories, ensure that you buy good quality items that can last you for a long while.
Times are hard and cash equally hard to come by. So we need to make every cedi we own stretch.
No use buying inferior products only to have them replaced in six months. Also, no need for over buying or shopping for items you know you own already.
Better to invest in timeless clothing than the ones which will be in fashion for two weeks and then disappear. If, however, you can afford to follow every new fashion trend, then do go for it!
Say a big no to fashion blunders!
Steer clear and away from any silly and ridiculous blunders please! Not too sure about what to wear? Then kindly make enquiries. It’s far better to play it safe than to be eternally sorry for a fashion blunder!
Feel like colouring your hair bright orange? Please do so, just as soon as you have tendered in your resignation letter and applied to join the bubble boy’s band musical group!
Remember that the fact that it looks good on a colleague or friend is no guarantee it will look the same on you. Choose wisely, choose smartly….
Experiment, experiment and experiment!
Thinking about growing out your perm and going natural? What are you waiting for? Want to try on a bright red dress? Go ahead!
Guys, do you want to try on a double-breasted suit? Why not? Tired of plain coloured shirts? Go in for strips! You never know until you try it out.
Let go of your fashion inhibitions and try out something that gives people out there a different view of you.
The key words always to remember when experimenting are: moderation, sensibleness, sophistication and respectability.
Complete your resolution
Now cut and paste these resolutions anywhere you can see and be reminded by them. Be determined to achieve as many of these goals as possible.
Wishing you the very best in keeping your resolution. Don’t forget to reward yourself for every progress you make.
You are welcome to contact us for training or assistance.
The Writer is a Certified Image Consultant and also runs KOBADEM Boutique and Kobadem training centre.
(kobademgrooming@gmail.com, www.kobadem.com/facebook