Our lifestyle and health (2)
Intuitively, people rationalise to identify the potential causes of their illness with questions such as: ‘‘Is it because of the excess alcohol I have been drinking habitually?”, or is it probably due to my high fat intake of late?’’, etc.
To this extent then, our attempt at understanding human behaviour and lifestyles in relation to health status is worthwhile. In this mode, it is not unusual to have a proportion of any human population indisposed at any particular point in time.
These unfortunate ones will naturally and usually seek affordable medical attention, probably in the hospitals and elsewhere and hopefully, be brought back to health; unfortunately, a proportion of them will pass away for various reasons.
Some people also die unexpectedly without necessarily having been ill, as can occur during social conflicts and accidents from drunken drivers. among others.
Healthy population
A regime for having a healthy population is to ensure that as much as possible the proportion who get ill at any point in time is minimised through effective prevention and optimal lifestyles.
These are enhanced by knowledge through public health activities to identify the causes of diseases, as well as the risk factors that are associated with diseases.
These can also vary in extent, duration and severity. What we see, read, hear, smell, taste, touch, and feel, do have a serious impact on our behaviour.
From this dimension, I can think of three categories of people; those who do not have any knowledge because they have not seen, heard, and/or read any information and therefore cannot make informed choices about lifestyle.
Others are those who have seen, heard, and/or read some information and therefore know and take the necessary precautions in the way they live and enjoy; and those who have information but do not let it reflect in the way they live.
Which of these categories of people is guilty? I leave that to you, dear reader.
It is very interesting that knowing what is good or bad is only one side of the equation of life. The other side relates closely to what we practice.
How to avoid the things or situations that we know for sure as potential causes of specific diseases requires not only the knowledge but the opportunity and the self-will to do so.
Human problems
Human problems can be irritating and formidable, and the following questions may illustrate this: ‘‘How does one avoid indulgence in unprotected sex with a person he/she just met,?’’ ‘‘How do I use the little money I have to buy a pen I need for school, instead of spending it on illicit drugs?’’
Others are: “Why should I sacrifice my sleep for an early morning jog or physical exercise before attending a morning lecture? How can I avoid eating too much so that I keep my weight in check?’’etc. Other numerous questions border on the same conceptual relationships between our lifestyles and health profiles.
The plain truth is that there are some (variable) risks associated with all human endeavours. Based on available information, however, we can make decisions to reduce our risk of having disease, particularly in the long-term, vis-a-vis the pleasure we derive or more about.
In short, knowing what is right, and practicing it is not easy, and requires a strong will, the desire to live longer, happier and healthier, a considerable amount of self-control, positive personal experiences and vital guidance from colleagues, friends, teachers, bosses, parents and other relatives are beneficial.