Miss Earth Ghana fetes children, kayayei
Miss Earth Ghana 2016, Ms Deborah Eyram Dodor, last week provided meals and assorted drinks to over 2,000 street children, kayayei and pupils in various parts of Accra.
Dubbed ‘Dine with the Queen – Feeding Less- Privileged Kids’, the programme benefited children and kayayei in several areas of Accra including James Town, Tema Station, Kawukudi Junction and the 37 taxi / trotro station.
She was accompanied by winners of other beauty pageants who interacted with the beneficiaries, while serving them with food and drinks. They also entertained the children with short stories and music while offering advice and encouragement.
Since winning the crown, Ms Dodor has embarked on a number of projects, including organising sensitisation tours on the environment to several Senior High Schools across the country.
She represented Ghana last October at the Miss World Earth pageant held in the Philippine capital, Manila. She competed with dozens of beauties from other countries.
Food Masters, First Royale Events and Ms Dodor provided resources for the treat.