Couple tells their story of how they got their wedding organised for free
Okay, guys, this is one love story you will enjoy reading. But there’s something that makes it even more special, Kikelomo and her lover, Oluwaseun had a free wedding. Yes, you read well, free! Not only that, they got a free apartment and an all-expense-paid honeymoon trip.
Gladly, the bride shared how they had a zero-naira wedding and also gives us all the juicy detail on how they met. Honestly, grab a drink and keep scrolling.
Here’s how Kikelomo and Oluwaseun’s free wedding happened according to the bride;
We knew 2019, was the year we wanted to get married but didn’t have the funds for it. As we had tied up our resources in other things. The initial plan was a traditional ceremony in my pastor’s house (because I am orphaned).
After which he will join us together quickly. No need to change the outfit. Finally, no food will be served. Just take away pack that will be handed out to our 100 guests before they leave.
Can the parlour accommodate 100 guests? Definitely no. The guests who cannot sit inside will sit outside. I was not ready to worry about anything. The budget was 200,000 naira only.
While my lover and I were still going back and forth on the date for our wedding. I heard the Holyspirit say to me one morning, “you need to draft your confession for the wedding”. This was in July. So on the 27th of July, 2019, I wrote my declarations for my wedding. I wrote exactly what I would want. Trust me it was not 200,000naira worth.
Also, I wrote the things I want to start my marriage with, starting with a house. We did not have a home of ours and everywhere we looked seem expensive for us. I decided I wanted a free house.
Not just free but fully furnished. But as we declared, we still went ahead to plan 200,000 naira wedding. I didn’t want to plan bigger than the cash at hand and run into debt. Hmmm, things started happening in a strange manner.
People started giving us the things we needed for the wedding or paid for them. We went from free clothes, free asooke, free rings (this was funny because I mocked my lover that I got a ring and he didn’t till he was given a ring worth multiple times my own). I remember a woman I met for the first time through my lover gave me a red shoe she couldn’t get a buyer for in 6years because it was small and red and it was the colour I wanted to wear.
She went inside again and came out with a matching red purse that was never sold either. I laughed so hard because I knew God had started with us. Every time we were given something or cash equivalent I thanked God from my heart and danced.
Yes, I danced almost all through August 2019 for about 1hr morning and evening. Intense singing and dancing, thanking God for His goodness and reassuring Him that I believe Him.
Like a dream, all our wedding bills cleared out exactly as declared including miscellaneous. We were gifted a fully furnished house (I mean with chairs, mattresses, fridge, freezer, generator, dining set, television, gas cooker etc), a hall for the wedding, honeymoon etc.
Did we beg anybody for money or help? No, my husband and I agreed to be content with whatever God does for us. Thanksgiving is wiser than begging and ingratitude.
Here’s how this beautiful love story started according to the bride, Kikelomo:
We met at AUD college, Isolo. Mr Boaz claimed he knew me in Jss 1G but I only remember knowing him when Mrs Okafor, our Jss 2 class teacher paired us up as seatmates in 1st term. Mr Boaz and I never showed a likeness to each other in school. We either fought or not talk to each other for a term. For some reason, our classmates knew we liked each other.
He went on to date other girls in school while I and my friends enjoyed the company of our love novels and gossips. On the last day of WAEC Oluwaseun asked me out. What? Why now? Well, I said NO. I had met a very fine guy at the GCE centre who liked me and wrote love letters. As far as I was concerned, we may never meet again.
One night, I heard a knock on my gate and it was Oluwaseun. He had come for my estate carnival and needed somewhere to pass the night. I risked it and allowed him to sleep in the sitting room until very early in the morning. As the year went on, we rarely saw each other but when we did, we catch up on each other’s life and hope for the best in the future.
Sometime in 2011, I saw Oluwaseun and I was sad about the man I saw. He looked like a gangster, talking slangs I couldn’t understand. I knew he had mixed up terribly with the wrong people and was probably under influence. His usual kind self gave me and my friend a treat but it couldn’t take away the pain I felt in my heart for him.
During my usual 2 am prayer the next day, I asked God to save my friend’s soul. It was a simple prayer but God answered. I bumped into Oluwaseun some years later and he told me he had received the life of Christ. I was shocked and excited at the same time. In 2017, I entered into my 30th year. I made several declarations on my life and my marriage.
Sooner, He began to send me Open Heavens devotional daily and we chatted few times. I noticed that I started looking forward to his posts every morning. I spoke to my colleague about it and I decided to caution my heart. Oluwaseun is just a friend and I need not ruin the relationship by hoping for nonsense.
We chatted more every now and then. Every time we talked about family or marriage, I found myself saying things he likes and I wondered if I was submitting my CV. On the 30th December 2017, I spent my time with God as usual at my new 4 am timing. A few minutes to 6 am, I remembered a bouquet I had won at a friend’s wedding in September.
This bouquet is not just a bouquet, trust me. I went to her wedding with the intention of winning and being the next bride. I had been dancing every morning with my bouquet, thanking God that I am the next bride.
That 30th morning, as I remembered the bouquet, I told God to send His angel whom He sent to give Abraham’s servant a wife for Isaac in Genesis 24 to bring my husband to me that day. He should not only identify me as his wife but to ask for my hand in marriage the same day as it happened for Rebecca.
I took a short nap after and went to the studio. It was supposed to be a busy day. Before 10 am, Oluwaseun called me to say hi and also harass me in a funny way as he does. This was rare because he never calls in the morning. I did not think too much about it and chatted along. He asked about my plan for the day and I told him.
He called again around noon just to say hi. I wondered why but just assumed he had no work to do that day and wanted to look for my trouble. Between 4 and 5 pm, he called again and said he was almost at my studio and he needed water to be made ready in the toilet because he was purging seriously.
Apparently, he used his earlier calls to understand how my day was going to be. We went from the toilet runs to him going with me to run some last minutes end of the year errands, then we ended the day in my studio. Conversations lead to another and then he said he thinks I am the woman God is giving him and also he likes what he sees physically and like a dream he asked us to start a relationship.
I was shocked, I told him to let us go to crossover service the next day and take time to pray and that on the 1st day of 2018, we can talk about us again. He insisted and said he wanted his answer that night because he doesn’t want me to say Holy Spirit said NO. This man is surely a comedian.
He asked what my answer would be if I didn’t want to pray about his request and I said it would be yes but I still think we needed to pray first. Loudly!! I heard the Holyspirit remind me “was it not you who asked me to bring your husband today and that he must ask for your hand in marriage“.
I had forgotten my request, work took my mind off it completely. Immediately I told him I changed my mind and that my answer was yes. I asked him to ask me out properly and he went on his knees to repeat his request. He didn’t say marry me but asked that we start a relationship that will lead to marriage.
I thought he was developing cold feet. I went to see him and he repeated what he said on the phone that he wasn’t ready for a relationship. I was surprised. Did I pressure you to ask me out? I asked. He said No. Did I do things that insinuated I wanted you to ask me out? I asked again. He said No.
His excuse was that he wanted to focus on building a life for Himself and there was no room for me then. He didn’t have a job then, other than he had met God and realigned his life to a serious path since he disconnected with the wrong people and managed to finish school in 2017. I think he thought it over and concluded that he didn’t have anything to take me out on dates or care for me as he had nothing.
Well, I didn’t beg him to ask me out. I was hurt but I had mastered my hurt over the years. I take it to God always. I apologized to God for assuming Oluwaseun was my Boaz and blocked my heart from emotions. Humorously God kept telling me to be nice to Oluwaseun. Nice!. Did you not see what he did to me? I said No to several guys over the years and I now should play foolish with someone who doesn’t want me?
He kept bugging me with kind words about Oluwaseun until I gave in. I sent messages to say hi (aww who does that after you have been jilted?). He, on the other hand, sent me messages and calls to check up on me (please can someone advise this brother not to call me to check up. I am fine). We were on this till March our birthday month.
Two days before my trip to the US, I requested we saw so that he could celebrate my birthday for me ahead of the real date which was 19th March. This request of mine was a scam as I intended to celebrate his birthday for him instead.
He was on the 14th which is the day I arrive in the US. I wanted him to have a beautiful birthday. In the middle of our Chicken republic rice and chicken, Oluwaseun apologized to me.
He said he was afraid he did not deserve me and that he loves me. “Don’t doubt that I love you,” he said. I just stared at him like I was in an Indian movie romance. We started our love journey afresh. I tried to be understanding with his financial status. We went on very few dates and it had to be chicken republic because of the 500naira rice combo.
During this period of his life, I noticed that Oluwaseun was not selfish. He was willing to share in his 1000naira if he had. We tried to enjoy ourselves until he got a job. As at the time we decided to get married we didn’t have any tangible money to have a beautiful wedding but God shocked us by giving us a free wedding. Yes free!