Radford Fashion graduates to show designs
It will be glitz and glamour on Saturday, July 2, when graduating students from the Fashion and Design Department of the Radford University College (RUC) mount the stage to showcase clothing styles they have designed.
The event, dubbed the Graduates Fashion Show, would be held at the Kempiski Hotel in Accra.
At the launch of this year’s event at the university premises, the graduates exhibited samples of some of their clothing designs to the admiration of students and staff.
Fashion Design is an integral part of the RUC’s curricula. It has produced graduates, some of whom are making it big on the international market.
The CNN international news network, for instance, featured Papa Oppong, the best fashion design graduate of the RUC last year. He is currently in the United States mounting various exhibitions.
Speaking at the launch of the 2016 show, the Chairman of the RUC, Nana Dwomoh Sarpong, said Papa Oppong has been named as one of the top 15 African fashion designers to be watched.
“Two other graduates from the university are at Hollywood and the University of New York,” Nana Sarpong said.