Fashion tips for plus size guys
The other day I got a call from my good friend Mr. Andrew he was very upset to notice that for some time now I have only been featuring articles on plus sized women for which he had no use for.
So in all fairness I decided that if I have spent so much time discussing plus size women it presupposes that plus sized men should equally have their issues discussed and addressed accordingly! Therefore our interest this week will be with our plus sized men.
Plus sized men have nothing to worry about not at least much according to some women. Most ladies claim that the size of their bodies has a corresponding value. Corresponding you ask?
Well according to the women the larger the man is the fatter the wallet is!!! Now I’m sure you do catch my drift now. There however has been no scientific research carried out to confirm this theory.
So I will be grateful to receive more views on the topic of corresponding body weight and wealth. Will it serve as a useful tool in indicating how affluent or not a man is? Hmm! I wonder.
Again for purpose of clarity it should be stated that we no longer address men who are large as “Big, Wide, Fat, Macho and obolo” these are wrong terms and they are so unacceptable.
We simple refer to them as Plus Sized men, large size men or simply put tall and big. So please take your pick.
Fashion tips
The fundamental point large men need to understand when dressing is that wearing oversized clothes will make them look larger than they already are in terms of their physical image.
Large clothes do not minimise your size it simply enhances it by making you look bigger that you already are!
So your major style advice is to opt for clothes that fit and not big or baggy clothes that hang on you. Take a look at these two pictures.
You notice in the before look he is wearing formal business clothes that are simply hanging loose on him. Now, rather that reduce his size the opposite has occurred.
It has rather accentuated his large size and made him appear bigger than he really is.
On the other hand if you look at the after picture he is wearing a suit that fits his physique perfectly and in this case it is rather defining his image appropriately and basically making his look slimmer.
This emphasizes the need for plus size men to look out for more fitted clothing than opting for loose fitted or oversized clothes.
We shall look at cut, style, belt, print, texture of clothes in the next series to help identify the right clothing and accessories for plus size men to enable them feel not only comfortable but equally confident about their looks.
The tall, thin, plus size or not…, have a pleasant weekend. Make a date with this column.
Remember stay beautiful from inside out.