Queen Elizabeth II opens new session of Parliament
The Queen has opened a new session of Parliament with a speech focusing heavily on criminal justice.
Queen Elizabeth II delivered her government-written speech from a throne in the House of Lords as part of a ceremony rich with centuries of British tradition.
“My government’s priority has always been to secure the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union on 31 October,” the Queen says, at the start of her speech. “My government intends to work towards a new partnership with the European Union, based on free trade and friendly cooperation.”
Johnson plans to put the bill before MPs next week, once debate on the Queen’s Speech has wrapped up -- but it’s not clear if he’ll get the chance, given that his perilous position in Parliament means he is at risk of losing the vote on his agenda.
Even more pressing is the fact that Johnson is yet to agree any deal with the EU.
If he hasn’t done so by the EU summit at the end of this week, he’s mandated by law to request another Brexit extension.
"As the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, my government will ensure it continues to play a leading role in global affairs."
— CNN International (@cnni) October 14, 2019
Queen Elizabeth II lays out the UK Government's plans for Brexit in her speech, as a new session of parliament begins. https://t.co/koKjGeWpAv pic.twitter.com/IUrI34sU0d
" An immigration bill, ending free movement , will lay the foundation for a fair, modern and global immigration system, " the speech adds.
"My Government remains committed to ensuring that resident European citizens, who have built their lives in and contributed so much to the United Kingdom, have the right to remain .
"The bill will include measures that reinforce this commitment ," she added.
"Steps will be taken to provide certainty, stability and new opportunity for the financial services and legal sectors."
"As the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, my government will continue to play a leading role in global affairs."