Two wrongs don’t make a right
It was extremely disappointing to hear Ola Michaels, Public Relations Officer of the Film Producers Association of Ghana (FIPAG) comments, he made to the effect that film producers in the country would soon resort to the production of porn movies.
According to Ola Michaels, this would be done as a way of forcing government to step in to stop television stations from screening foreign soap operas with explicit at prime time.
He added that the lack of examination of content of some Ghanaian television stations is appalling and as a result, they actively contribute to the proliferation of pornographic materials and low morals among our children.
We share in Ola Michaels’ sentiments that our regulatory authorities have not done much in enforcing the laws of the country with regards to the type and nature of content that can be aired on television especially during day when children are at home and likely to be watching.
That said we believe the manner in which he chose to address his concern was wrong and definitely not befitting someone of his office and stature. Two wrongs obviously do not make a right and threatening to break the law as a means of calling for the enforcement of another is certainly not the way to go. We urge him to exercise restraint and decorum in his comments and use the appropriate channels to make his call for change.
We at Showbiz have made this call time without number and we will continue to make until things change in our film sector. We have at times wondered if we even have film regulators at all judging from what we can only describe as softcore pornography disguised as telenovelas on our television screens.
The television stations are gradually pushing the limit as to what is shown on air and it is only a matter of time until they finally do the unimaginable. As a responsible society, we all have a duty to ensure that our television stations are used to promote positive values and not the importation and spread of decadent culture from elsewhere.