Search for peace must be sustained
I am once again revisiting the topic of Peace. We need it very much in this country and particularly at this time as the nation prepares to go to the polls.
If I remember very well, the subject of peace has been a topical issue right from the moment the 2012 election results were declared. Since then, many individuals, groups and even corporate entities have come out to speak on the need for Ghanaians to ensure that the country stays peaceful in the face of intense political fallouts.
Intemperate language
There was political heat after the last elections. Has the political heat died down? The answer of course is a big No.
From where I stand, the blame lies squarely with our politicians, some of whom use intemperate language in their discourse and engage in actions that tend to throttle the gains made in peace initiatives.
Literally, in politics, one sometimes needs to drive his or her point home forcefully but at least it must be done with some finesse that does not go to cast one’s opponent in the mould of a demon, so to speak.
Our political opponents are not our enemies and politics must be seen as a contest of ideas and not who has the best skill to maim or put others in a sorry state.
Many months ago, there was talk of banning para-military organs belonging to political parties in this country. It was a good proposal and we all heaved a sigh of relief, since maintaining such organs had the propensity of pushing the nation to the brink of calamity.
Surprisingly, no clear and convincing steps have publicly been taken on the matter. And so even though the groups hardly receive media mention, it does not in any way mean that they do not exist.
Maintaining the peace we enjoy currently would depend greatly also on the posture of the country’s security agencies.
The citizens of the country would have to play their part but the security agencies would have to rise above themselves and ensure that there is fairness, equity and justice in the way they go about performing their duties.
Role of media
While at it, the media also have a role to play in bringing down tension in the country, brought about by unjust political activities.
The media must be mindful of their reportage and exercise their editorial discretion to the best of their abilities, bearing in mind that the nation comes first before any political party.
From this moment onwards, it would be prudent that the media blacklist politicians who have the penchant for spewing venom and whose actions have the tendency to bring about emotional strain on the people.
I read the other day in one of the country’s many dailies that investment in the country is running very low because of perceived fear of a catastrophe following this year’s election.
What more do we need to stimulate us into doing the right things if we want the country to survive, than this reality placed before us. Already, we all agree that the economy is not on the best of footing but should we go ahead and damn the consequences?
Institutions such as the National Peace Council, the Christian Council of Ghana, The Ghana Pentecostal Council, the National Council of Muslims and others of such hue must begin to drum home the message of peace to their faithful.
They must make peace a must-preach topic in churches and the mosques and in all areas where their followers congregate to worship.
The tension in the country that is drawing us gradually to the precipice is real and not imagined and the earlier we work to reduce the tension, the better it would be for us.