Sadio Mane consoles Mo Salah!
In the first week of February 2022, two events impacted me heavily resulting in a rethink of my thoughts on human nature, as not all negative.
The first was the massive national effort by Morocco to rescue a five-year old boy who was trapped in a dry-well 32 metres (100 feet) deep.
The second was, or is the now iconic picture of Senegalese footballer Sadio Mane consoling the crying Egyptian footballer Mohamed Salah after Senegal’s 4-2 penalty shoot-out victory over Egypt in the African Cup finals on Sunday, February 6, 2022 in Yaounde, Cameroun.
How does human nature come into these two unrelated events?
The events reminded me of Shakespeare’s play the “Merchant-of-Venice” in which mercy, human-kindness, love and forgiveness are emphasised.
Merchant of Venice
In “Merchant of Venice,” a rich businessman Antonio borrowed money from a ruthless money-lender Shylock.
In a rather bizarre contract, Shylock would take a pound of Antonio’s flesh, should he fail to pay back the money on the due date.
A series of unexpected or unfortunate events, including losing his ships at sea resulted in Antonio defaulting in payment.
In court to press his demand for justice, Shylock insisted on nothing, but a pound of Antonio’s flesh.
Fortunately, friends of Antonio rallied behind him, raised the money and offered to pay the debt.
Shylock was intransigent and wanted nothing but a pound of Antonio’s flesh.
They then offered to pay 6000 ducats, double the 3000 ducats Antonio owed Shylock. Shylock rejected the offer. One ducat today is equivalent to US$150.
It was at this stage that Portia, disguised as lawyer Balthazar, pleaded with Shylock to temper justice with mercy.
She told Shylock it is not everything which is legally right which is morally correct. Portia then made the plea in the famous quote:
“The quality of mercy is not strained.
It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.
It is twice blessed.
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”
After moral suasion had failed, Lawyer Baltharza or Portia then went on the offensive asking Shylock to cut exactly one pound of Antonio’s flesh!
But, she insisted, the contract talked about exactly one pound of flesh, and without spilling a drop of Antonio’s blood.
Cornered, Shylock was forced to eat humble pie, and beat a retreat from his earlier demand.
Antonio regained his freedom.
On February 1, 2022, a five-year old Moroccan boy, Rayan Oram, fell into a dry well, 32 metres deep.
For the next five days the nation held its breath as rescuers sank a parallel shaft to free him.
Tragically, on February 6, he died before he could be freed.
Head-of-State King Mohammed VI led the nation to mourn with the family after a personal phone call to the parents.
What positive show of the milk of human-kindness!
AFCON Finals
In the finals of the AFCON 21 hosted by Cameroun, Senegal beat Egypt 4-2 in a penalty shoot-out in the finals.
Probably, the most iconic picture of the tournament was Senegal’s Sadio Mane consoling the crying Egyptian Mohamed Salah, his Liverpool teammate.
In victory, Senegal was magnanimous with their players consoling their crying Egyptian opponents.
Again, the milk of human mercy and kindness flowed!
Genesis Chapter 6, says:
“The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.
“The Lord was grieved that he had made man on earth, and his heart was filled with pain....
Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and full of violence!”
Against this backdrop, it is gratifying to note that, the proverbial “man’s inhumanity to man” citing his wickedness, corruption and violence, sometimes gives way to the milk of human mercy.
Morocco prayed for the rescue of Rayan Oram. When he died before he could be reached, Morocco mourned the five-year old boy, led by their King.
In Cameroun on February 6, the picture of Sadio Mane consoling the distraught Mohamed Salah showed human nature at its best.
The two examples tell us that human nature is not all negative! As Ghanaians, we must learn to be each other’s keeper.
For, it is only when we are united as a nation that we can compete and win laurels internationally.
After all, have we not produced Mr Kofi Annan, the seventh and only black UN Secretary General the world has had?
In UN Peacekeeping, haven’t we produced the first black or African Force Commander Gen. Emmanuel Erskine?
With all the human and natural resources we have, Ghana can do far better than we have, if only we support each other.
Remember the old saying, “united we stand, divided we fall!” And drink deeply from the cup of human mercy for a united Ghana!
Leadership, lead! Fellow Ghanaians, wake up!
The writer is former CEO, African Peace Support Trainers Association, Nairobi, Kenya & Council Chairman, Family Health University College, Accra