Pray earnestly for Ghana
We all yearn to regularly experience peace and safety before, during, and after the November 7, 2016 Parliamentary and Presidential elections.
All who belong to Ghana and live in Ghana are all stakeholders. We all have a part to play to promote and maintain peace in Ghana.
People of faith must continue to pray earnestly and take appropriate action in promoting peace within our communities and across the country.
• Lets thank God for his great grace that enables us to yet enjoy some level of peace in this country.
• Pray that the Lord Jesus the Prince of Peace will give us His gift of peace as He works on the minds and the hearts of all stakeholders, nationals, and non-nationals to make us love the peace of Ghana and promote the peace of Ghana.
• Pray for Political Party leaders and Presidential candidates:
• That they will love peace and pursue peace because the total well-being of the people of Ghana, which must be their highest concern, can only grow in an environment of peace.
• That God will give them wisdom in crafting their political visions and developing political campaign messages.
• That their political campaign messages will focus on key issues that will impact national development and raise the standard of living for our people.
• That they will avoid speeches and statements that will inflame negative passions and create chaos.
• That Political Party leaders will do well to guard their lips and sanitise their speeches.
“One lies to another: both talk with smooth words, but with duplicity in their hearts. May the Lord make an end of such smooth words and the tongue that talks so boastfully! “Lord, you are our protector and will for ever guard us from such people.”
Psalms 12:2-3 & 7
• Pray that political party leaders will act out of respect for the well-being of their countrymen and women.
• That God will fill their hearts with true humility and make them cherish fearless honesty.
• Pray that God will remove any reckless pursuit of personal ambition, vain glory, or greed from their hearts. Ghana is more important than personal ambition and self-serving politics.
• The work of those in the media is essential in promoting and maintaining the peace of the country.
• Pray that God will bless all journalists and media personnel with wisdom, good judgment, and a love for peace.
• Pray that every media house would love to promote the good of Ghana, instead of parochial interests of various political actors. Ghana must win.
• Pray that, in this high political season, the media will inform, educate, and entertain the citizens responsibly, accurately, and with grace and wisdom.
• Pray that media people will give up the desire to put out sensational stories that may feed violence or provoke communal disturbance.
• Pray that they will be wise gatekeepers in what news the public consumes.
• Pray for the protection and well-being of journalists in their line of duty, especially as they travel around.
• We are all stakeholders. Pray for all who belong to or live in this country. Pray that everyone will become an agent of peace in his or her community, political party, or electoral area.
• Pray that we will yearn to be filled with true humility and practice fearless honesty.
• Pray that, as patriotic citizens, we will expose evil plots and treacherous mobilizations of goods or people. Pray against any wicked plan that will cause pain, chaos, confusion in any community in this country, and disturb our peace.
• We must keep the peace of this country! This is our home. This is our motherland!
(The author is a Leadership Development and Cross-cultural Ministries Consultant, an International, conference speaker and formerly General Director / CEO of Scripture Union Ghana. Email: /