Little Oswald’s five management principles
This week, my guest columnist is my classmate from Opoku Ware School, Katakyie Victor Asante (AF12), the CEO of the FBN Bank, a prominent Rotarian and one of the foremost voices of his generation in corporate Ghana.
To his friends, mates and close acquaintances, he has always been known simply as ‘Rap T’, since our school days.
When young Oswald Gennuh took social media by storm and had big companies literally falling over themselves and eating out of his hands in the process, there were many who were impressed by his writing prowess, while some shrugged, either because they thought it was all being blown out of proportion, others were simply indifferent.
But ever the business and management guru, Victor saw the letter differently and shares his thought-provoking perspective this week…
Oswald's letter
On July 29, 2021, Master Oswald Gennuah of the Christ Ambassador School of Excellence decided to document his expectations from his mother as the school’s end of term party approached.
One thing led to another and Oscar’s letter found its way into social media, as pretty much everything does these days.
Nine-year-old Oswald’s letter was an instant hit because it had many elements.
It had clarity of thought with no ambiguity at all regarding what Oswald’s expectations were.
It revealed a master communicator who could lay out clearly his expectations, sometimes even with sketches and arrows to aid thought process and decision making.
Master communicator
Oswald’s brevity, yet clarity, is a master piece of goal setting. Big Coke, small Fanta, big Ceres, small Sprite, white chocolate, pack of biscuits.
Oswald also made sure timelines were clear as key milestones were also very well communicated.
This must happen this year, not next year. Breakfast is served at 9:00a.m. to 9.30a.m. and lunch at 12:00p.m. to 12:30p.m. ‘Our Day’ is on Friday.
Oswald also gave performance options. These were two sets of biscuits and two sets of drinks for mummy to choose, from with a concise “choose any of them, don’t buy both”.
Perhaps, the most endearing part of Oswald’s note to mummy was the part to do with his class teacher, Mrs Appiah.
It screamed appreciation. ‘Our Day’ is meant primarily for students. But for little Oswald, the first wish on his wish list was the big coke for Mrs Appiah.
For his own consumption, Oswald had asked for small Sprite or small Fanta. Not for Mrs Appiah, who clearly had been a mother figure of a teacher, molding young Oswald into performer.
Recognition, appreciation
If Mrs Appiah had anything to do with how organised Oswald’s presentation and thought flow was, it is little wonder he put her up first for recognition.
The treatment Mrs Appiah receives from Oswald, perhaps, most validates his own expectations from his mum.
Mrs Appiah had done a good job of being his teacher and mentor. She deserved something bigger than what even Oswald wanted for himself. Profound.
Well, Oswald himself didn’t disappoint his mum in the exams, so it was her turn to show appreciation and recognise him for delivering on the goals she had set for him. “I didn’t disappoint you in the exams so please don’t disappoint,” those were Oswald’s final words to his mum.
I have done my bit; can you now also deliver on our unwritten agreement? Oswald’s ‘note to mummy’ in an uncanny way delivered so many key management principles.
One cannot help noticing how well put together it was. Even more remarkable that this was from a nine-year-old.
Here are the few principles I picked from Oswald:
Communicate clearly. Keep it simple and concise. Define the parameters with precision so there is no ambiguity.
If possible, reduce targets to measurable and precise parameters. Big Coke. Breakfast at 9a.m. Lunch at 12p.m. The day is Friday.
If possible, give options to offer flexibility. Oswald communicates these principles best with “choose any of them, don’t buy both”.
Show appreciation.Be grateful.Be thankful. Always remember those who help you to succeed. Share your reward.Spread the recognition.
Reward good performance. Deliver on your promises, both express and implied. Don’t let down people after they have delivered their part of the bargain.
Do not disappoint.
Thank you, Oswald
Thank you very much Oswald for capturing some key management and leadership principles in such a simple easy to appreciate manner.
The reason 100 companies and individuals reached out to you to ensure you had your party is not just because you said you deserved it but you explained why you thought you deserved it.
You made sure you carried people along, you put emotion in your narrative to reflect how much you were connected with the entire process of making a promise and keeping it.
Keep up the good work of not disappointing and the world will cheer you on to your just rewards.
It is still a beautiful world if we all keep it simple, apply ourselves diligently and keep our promises.
Rodney Nkrumah-Boateng,
E-mail: rodboat@yahoo.com