Sgt Ibrahim Yakubu
Sgt Ibrahim Yakubu

He deserves commendation

This police officer deserves commendation.

I strongly believe his training was different before joining the Ghana Police Service.


He is gentle, polite and soft spoken with a smile.

Very neat and punctual always.

He is outstanding.

He is a policeman with integrity.

He is a police sergeant from the Motor Traffic and Transport Directorate (MTTD) unit of Accra Central, Sgt Ibrahim Yakubu.

He should be an example to others.

After observing him and plying the road where he directs traffic, I ask myself if he really also attended the same police school most of his mates, co-officers attended.

Sgt Ibrahim Yakubu always directs traffic at the GIMPA-Christian Village junction.

He is very punctual.

You can meet him as early as 6 o'clock every morning doing his work.

What amazes me about him is the professional way he talks to offenders. 

He makes sure everything is done right.

Even if you are at fault, he takes his time to talk to you with respect and politeness.

David Brown,
Electrical Engineer, 
E-mail: [email protected]

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