Protecting, preserving Accra's environment
Accra is the only city in the equatorial belt of the world that is located in a semi-arid Savana zone.
Looking at the rainfall pattern of West Africa, one observes that it rains more in Abidjan to the West and Lagos to the East, than in Accra.
It rains more in Bolgatanga which is in the Northern Savana zone than in Accra. Accra, therefore, occupies a unique position in the world in terms of geography.
The topography is flat to undulating, rising to about 15 meters above mean sea level.
Geologically, Accra is prone to earthquakes and earth tremors.
Achimota Forest
The climate of Accra is described as hot and humid because of it's closeness to the Atlantic Ocean but it is in a Savana zone.
For this reason, Accra needs vegetation cover to cool down the excessive heat and planting of trees is one of the major solutions to cool down the heat that is experienced in the city.
This was the reason the Achimota Forest was created in the first place- to provide a cooling effect in the city.
However, with the expansion of the city, the Achimota Forest is not able to fully sustain that purpose and is under threat of encroachment.
In fact, Accra needs more parks not only to cool the city, but also to remove the excess carbon dioxide from the emissions of automobiles and factories that are now many in Accra.
Air conditioning is commonplace in Accra.
Emissions from air conditioners may also contribute to environmental pollution and climate change.
The low topography gives rise to some rivers and mostly seasonal rivers. There are also dry valleys. One example is Dzorwulu.
Dzorwulu, translated into English means "big valley". This valley has not seen water flowing in it for many years, but in Hydrology there is a term called "Return Period" of a river.
The Return Period could be one year, less or more than 500 years. These dry valleys are normally found in semi arid or desert regions.
They are called Wadis in the desert. Nobody knows the last time Dzorwulu was flooded, but the time will come.
Because of the long periods between episodes of flooding sometimes, many people have been building on watercourses in Accra.
Nature (water) will always find its way (of course) no matter what precaution is taken in constructing structures on its way.
The reasons for the yearly flooding in Accra can include what has just been described.
On June 3, 2015, there was flooding accompanied by fire – from a petrol filling station (the flood waters could have been from the Odaw River) at the Kwame Nkrumah Circle and lives were lost.
The reasons for this catastrophe included the clogging of drains and gutters, overflow from the Odaw River, groundwater discharge in the low-lying areas and the inappropriate location of the petrol station.
The first earthquake recorded in Ghana was in December 1636, reported in Axim, but the most destructive one occurred in June1939 in Accra.
In recent times, earth tremors have been recorded in Accra in March and December 2018, January, February and March 2019 and in June 2020.
Comprehensive plan
These environmental situations in Accra make it necessary for a comprehensive plan for the development and management of the city.
It is important to keep updating and improving the plan in the face of climate change and environmental degradation which is going on not only in Ghana but on a global scale.
The Achimota Forest must be protected and enhanced with the development of many more parks in the city.
It is strongly suggested that trees be planted along the major streets in Accra, not only to improve the air quality of the city but also to make it beautiful.
The rivers and watercourses in the city must be protected from construction because as said earlier, nature will always follow its course.
There is actually no need to build a house on a watercourse, gutter or a drain.
Sometimes, these houses or structures are abandoned after an unusually heavy rainfall event.
Accra is not the only city in the world which is located in an earthquake zone.
Technologies have been developed in many countries to construct large and high buildings that can withstand the shaking of the earth.
Tokyo in Japan is an example.
We must learn from these countries to develop codes for construction in earthquake areas.
One of our universities can specialise in this discipline of earthquake engineering.
In recent years, it became evident that when a fire occurs in any part of the city, the Fire Service vehicles are not able to quickly get water to attend to the disaster.
Groundwater can be used to replace treated water for putting off fire.
This will consist of drilling boreholes at marketplaces and other strategic locations to be used as fire hydrants.
The groundwater can also be used to clean the gutters and the streets, thereby keeping the city clean.
The writer is a retired Environmental Hydrogeologist
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