God is law: Law of attraction, manifestation

God is law: Law of attraction, manifestation

We find ourselves in a bewildering world in which chaotic events unsettle our best plans and throw us off our orbits of security.

Sometimes too, a mélange of events befuddles our minds with unexpected good things that also unsettle us, because we ask from where those good things are. 

In all these seemingly unconnected events that defy logic and order, there is an unwavering law at work: The Law of Attraction and Manifestation.

The first quote from Mark 11 says that when you petition God or imagine a desirable outcome, see the event or thing as already actualised, and it shall be so.


The converse is seen in Job 3, where Job had been entertaining in his mind some fear of a sort concerning an event, and that fear had eventually manifested.

How law works

Outside us is a vast, limitless field of energy that scientists call the quantum field. It is always in a state of vibration, just as water in a pool is always in motion, albeit slow; or the air around us is always in motion.  

Now, when you think, you send out your thought energy into this vast field. It looks for its quality to align with, because there are innumerable energies out there, and the only way yours could be effective is to unite with energies of the characteristic of your own.

So we say: Like attracts like. This is the basic principle underlying the law of attraction.

The second thing we need to know is that the energy from our thoughts proceeds from two minds: the conscious and the subconscious minds. The conscious mind is the one with which you are reading this article.

You may be snacking while reading, listening to some music; or just relaxed and, meanwhile, you are conscious of the sounds and activities around you.

 At the subconscious level of your mind, you are not aware of the blood flowing within you; nor are you conscious of the digestion of the meal you had yesterday or this morning; neither are you aware you are breathing!

The mind, which you are not conscious or aware of, is doing those things automatically.

Your subconscious mind, therefore, has a stock of ideas or knowledge from you and elsewhere of which you are not aware. They make up your beliefs or ideology.

If you think deeply within you that you are not a lucky person, for whatever reasons you so think, you create belief energy of such nature, and it would go into space (the quantum field), and even when you expect something good, or pray about a desired event, because deep inside you, you think you are unlucky, that anticipated event would not happen, because there is an automatic emotional quality to your thoughts, and that emotional element would support your subconscious thoughts more than the conscious thoughts.


Our thoughts convey an emotional energy that is the driving force behind manifestation.

According to scientists, brainwaves (energy) are measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG). The heart, the centre of our desires, which generates energy roughly 60 times greater in amplitude than brainwaves do, is measured by an electrocardiogram (ECG).

Our thoughts must go along with the emotional energy to manifest our desires, and that is how the law of attraction and manifestation works.

Because our thoughts are energies, generating emotional energy as well, that is why in Philippians 4:8, we are admonished to be positive, so as to get results of like nature:

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things (Phil 4:8 NIV).

In thinking about such positive things, we feed the subconscious mind with similar thoughts, and they seek manifestation in like manner: desirable events. We must saturate our subconscious mind with the Word and positive affirmations.

Another element necessary is that of affirmation. When you affirm in the name of I AM, you are saying two things: I AM is the name of God, so God in you is working out the results of your affirmation.

Secondly, you are exercising your divinity by saying that you have the power to be what you want to be, so you are!  It is in this context that we have the remarkable statement in Joel: let the weak say I am strong (Joel 3:10).

While affirming positive statements, take action, and begin the journey towards your goal. Help would come along to assist you, and that introduces us to the principle of synchronicity.

Once I was in Bonn, Germany, on official duty from the Ghana Export Promotion Council. I got to the city late, about 7 pm, and I didn’t know where to put up for the night.

I told myself I shall go to the university, and I believed I shall meet someone to help me out, so I set off for the university. As I walked on a corridor, going to nowhere, guess what happened.

Right in front of me was a group of students around a table, chatting noisily and happily amongst themselves. There was an African, a light-skinned female student, among them.

I walked on and came face to face with a former student I taught at Wesley Girls High School, Cape Coast. She was Unabert Wilmot! Far away in Germany!

That evening, I slept at her place, while she roomed with another friend! I will never forget that event!

We can understand synchronicities as meaningful coincidences that smoothen things out for us. I have no doubts some of you have experienced synchronicities without being aware of the law of attraction and manifestation being at work.

Some of you met your husbands and wives through this reality; others too landed new jobs by this; and you might also have had healing for the body through a casual recommendation from a friend or someone unknown. The instances are many and various.

In all these instances of synchronicities, mental and emotional energy had gone out of you: it was a prayer. An answer must come, and it came.


Let me end with a caution given by psychologists in this field of synchronicity. Be mindful of negative synchronicities; they are part of the lessons of life.

To minimise the negative, however, we must also anticipate everything that could go wrong with an event, or whatever we are doing, or planning.

This awareness has the effect of neutralising the negatives, and things turn out rather well.

The German thinker, Goethe, said: "Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute: What you can do, or dream you can, begin it; 

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Only engage and then the mind grows heated; Begin and then the work will be completed."

The writer is a lawyer.
E-mail: akwesihu@yahoo.com

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