Do not destroy Otabil's integrity
It is quite sad and shameful that we have become a society that has resorted to "instant justice"... Anytime names pop up for accusations, whether alleged or proven, we just pounce on the accused and "finish them" as we normally term it.
The sad thing is that the Ghanaian' turn round to shed 'crocodile tears' for the same people they had done irreparable harm.
Recently, Mrs. Matilda Amissah-Arthur, a former Second Lady of our country, paid tribute to her late husband, Mr. Paa Kwesi Bekoe Amissah Arthur, at his funeral grounds. According to
I think this statement is deep as it calls for introspection or soul-searching not only on the part of those the statement is directed at but also the rest of us as we all keep some relationships. The statement means a lot and an aspect of its meaning seems to suggest that we are not committed to relationships for their own sake but mostly for what we can gain from them even if at the expense of someone's life or suffering.
Can this statement truly describe us? I hope not.
It's quite sad that we the young people of today have taken the stand to destroy, malign and crucify people at the least provocation.
As a people, we have insulted past presidents to death, locked innocent officers in offices, beaten an innocent poor woman going to withdraw her own paltry sum of money from the bank, and we have also insulted presidents out of office. What a people!
I am flabbergasted at the sudden attack on Dr. Mensa Otabil, the renowned clergy on the premise of
There is absolutely nothing wrong when we question and chastise the one charged with corporate corruption by a competent court of justice, and even that, we should be cautious and circumspect because any human institution can be fallible.
My worry is that, suddenly, notable clergies in the country have sprung on the news scene pointing accusing fingers at
We can read the story of Judah and his widowed daughter-in-law, Tamar, in Genesis 38:6-26 with particular reference to verses 24, 25 & 26. Judah had denied Tamar his son Shelah for a husband. Following this Tamar disguised herself as a prostitute and succeeded in getting Judah to sleep with her. Months later Tamar was reported pregnant and Judah wanted her to be stoned to death for fornication without even finding out whether it was true and by whom she was pregnant. Judah has been overtaken by
Guess what, Dr. Otabil has become the
We do not want to even pause and think about what he going through at this point, not to talk about his immediate family, and the thousands of his followers. The last time I checked, over forty thousand people gathered at the Independence Square in Accra alone at the recent Greater Works
All of a sudden, in the Ghanaian media space the Board Chairman has become the Centre of all business operations. In fact, from radio stations and television
For those of us who declare our stand for Dr. Otabil, we have received negative bashing on Facebook, but we are unfazed by the
Dr. Otabil is an anointed man of God and I have witnessed him spend decades of his entire prime life preaching the word of God, impacting souls, raising leaders and shaping visions. He has contributed significantly to national development by inspiring the youth of today and is respected globally.
He and his church have given scholarships to thousands of Ghanaian needy students, including myself and the numbers suggest that so far no other institution in Ghana can match that educational support so let us respect his brand and integrity, and stop using the media to destroy his hard-earned reputation. We cannot rely solely on the media reports to judge men who have tirelessly earned their respect by building their brands and businesses over the years.
Dr. Otabil's call as a pastor goes beyond Ghana. He is a prophet for the continent, and he is highly respected across the world ..."A prophet is not without
He said the current wealth of Africa, the entire wealth of the 54 African countries, is $2.2 trillion yet the wealth of just four companies in America ---- Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon ----- put together is $2.5 trillion, which is more than the wealth of the whole of Africa. The interesting part is that these companies were established long after African countries had gained independence.
These are issues that must be given media airtime, to constitute the discussion as to how we can plan growth rates that can propel Africa countries into prosperity to free their people's from the poverty and hardships facing them.
If for nothing at all, those of us who profess to