Review of 'Dear Future Wife' from the Christian perspective
Romans 13:7 says, “Give honor to whom honor is due” and therefore, I’d like to commend this awesome spoken word piece.
I’d like to start firstly by proclaiming my awe for such an amazing work of art. Right from the onset through to the end, everything flowed so smoothly and the sync between scenes and the message was so well captured. It is not just captivating but an amazing piece that sets smiles on the faces of all. Its uniqueness is one in a million and projects a message so strong and powerful in every society. It doesn’t only broach on the sacredness of the marriage institution but goes further to outlay what it takes to love someone truly.
Koo Kumi in his piece swerves from what society has become used to and gives us an account of what it takes to be that special one for your lady. Now to the title of the whole poem, “DEAR FUTURE WIFE”, shows a man who doesn’t only see his relationship as a moment to while away time but one to invest in the woman he wants to love and call his own. The title shows some certainty and proves a level of surety that this woman is worth the title, “WIFE”. It assures her that she is all he seeks in a woman and one he can love completely, even to the ends of time. In Proverbs 18:22, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from the Lord” portrays that not only is a wife an asset but one who comes together with God’s kind of favor to bestow on her husband.
The way Koo Kumi communicates his thoughts in this piece is not just soulful but leaves one in deep thoughts wondering how deep his love runs for this woman he seeks to call wife. Truth be told, the way he relays each message tallies so well with one’s thoughts and gets you thinking, wow!
“Dear Future Wife…
I will rate and rank you before the love of my mother.
Before I was a thought in the brain of my parents,
God showed my mother love to save me egg….
So Dear Future Wife,
I knew love before I was a fetus in Mama’s womb.
Dear Future Wife,
I won’t love you more than my mother.
For from her ins I came…”
One thing I love so much about this piece is the fact that he seeks not to compare his wife totally to his mother although he’d like to see a bit of his mother in her. Every man raised by a woman, mind you, a good woman, would wish his children could have a feel of what a mother’s love is meant to be. He wants his children to feel that warmth and peace he feels when he is with his own mother. He wants them to run deeper and deeper in love for the woman who stands by his side. He wants them to appreciate what it means to have a mother.
Not only do we see a man who is eager to give his children the mother he had, but one who loves and acknowledges his first love, mama. In Proverbs 31:28b, “her children arise up, and call her blessed” and this clearly shows that he is appreciative of her efforts and love which has groomed him into the man he is now and as such, she serves as the yardstick for his future wife.
The cast in Dear Future Wife video
I can go on and on and still find something worth the mention because this is an excellent piece. The background music blends so beautifully with the rich depth of voice that narrates the story as sequences unfold. The way the scenes tie in perfectly with the message is splendid and how smooth and soft those little pauses here and there; giving one enough time to take in what’s yet to come. Well done! Well done! Well done!
The use of the typewriter as well portrayed one who believes that his choice is perfect and has no blemish. She is impeccable; without spot nor wrinkle. We all know that unlike the computer, the typewriter has no delete key, therefore, not giving one enough breathing space to erase mistakes. One must not only be attentive but tentative in his typing when it comes to the use of the typewriter. Koo Kumi employing the use of this ancient technology shows that his woman is one who has been carefully selected and proven to be worth the choice.
Again, tying the scenes in with his friends shows that every man needs his space to bond with friends and that was well demonstrated in how they all had their personal handshakes- for every one of our loved ones, there is a different way we bond with them. He shows us one essential characteristic of true love- it gives personal space to each partner although the main person is still in focus. Taking his lady’s hand and dancing with her shows that not all may be going well but with each beat life produces, dancing through it all may bring some warmth; not individually, but as a team. In the beginning, it may be tough as both tried to find balance whiles dancing but eventually stood their grounds and perfected their steps. And playing that keyboard together, showed how rough and smooth life can be, determined by what note you hit at the time- black or white.
“…we may forget the names of our children,
But we will never forget our names.
The dates, the time, the manner, the look,
The everything that happened on the first day
The first date, the wedding day!”
Koo shows that love takes into account all those little details that may mean nothing to the ordinary man. Love stands strong even as time speeds past it. Love remembers all, accepts all and appreciates all. It remembers what brought people to that point of deep connection and binds them together with chords that cannot be broken.
William Du Bois Kumi Yaw Sakyi, the author of Dear Future Wife
Even the skin tones of both partners speak a message to me. One’s skin tone shone brighter the other and portrayed how love overlooks all flaws and disparities and embraces it with smiles and gladness. It doesn’t take into account all the imperfections but gladly nurses them into positive traits it seeks to see. In 1Samuel 16:7, “…for man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart” and as well, the same Bible tells us that God is love and so I can confidently say that love looks on the heart. If this is the case, then, the spoken word piece presents a strong message of what love ought to be. Remember, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain” and as such Koo Kumi’s piece shows what one ought to focus on.
In conclusion, I believe you all would agree with me that this piece deserves a standing ovation and a fabulous round of applause. A man without a friend is lost but a man without love is dead. No man is an island and therefore, there is the need for synergy. We need one another to grow but we’d always need that one person to run the race of life with and this piece shows us how to find that special lady, our “DEAR FUTURE WIFE”. And my DEAR FUTURE HUSBAND, I hope I can be that special FUTURE WIFE to you when we finally meet.