Ohemaa breaks Brong Ahafo jinx
Her zeal to win the crown is seen in her confidence, creativity and generally focused presentation which seems to be paying off as she won the Most Eloquent of last week’s episode of the Ghana’s Most Beautiful pageant which saw no Star Performer.
An articulate Brong Ahafo Region representative, Ohemaa, for the first time in the history of the pageant, has pushed the Brong Ahafo to the final stage.
Clothed in a printed suit with a touch of modern style, she exhibited very strong counselling skills, taking all the attention of the night.
Ohemaa, who had earlier in the competition won the Star Performer award twice, appeared as a guest counsellor on a talk show to give advice to a young lady who had sent in a message saying: “I have two suitors. The first one is rich but not educated and the second man is romantic, caring and not good-looking.
Which one should l choose for a partner?”
She urged young women to understand that partners were only to complement each other and not to stress themselves.
She said, “First, know who you are, identify yourself before you go ahead with your expectation. Find out the source of the first man’s wealth, help him grow by encouraging him.
If it’s education, you can help him through formal or informal”.
Women, she said, needed to be realistic and practical in their decisions in terms of choosing a life partner, explaining that romantic and caring should not be a yardstick in choosing.
She explained: “If you fall out of fantasy and come to reality, are you going to depend on his romance to survive? There’s nothing you can do about someone’s looks, you can’t change it.
Ask yourself if you can live with him. If it’s good looks you want, then go for it.”
Judge Linda Ampaw fell in love with her mannerism and the ability to deliver and said, “Very much enjoyed.
All points raised were good. You did well and I think you will make a good counsellor.”
Central Region goes home
However, Central Region’s Tewa had to leave the competition as a result of low votes though her performance so far has been good.
Tewa, who is always looking calm, appeared as a confidante from whom a friend sought advice.
Her friend got pregnant as a result of a “one-night stand” encounter with a man she did not want to marry.
She wanted to have an abortion so she could marry her boyfriend.
Tewa urged her to discard the idea and give birth, while stressing on some of the dangers associated with abortion.
Quoting scriptures to back her submission, she also stated that women needed to be submissive to their partners so they could love them better.
Unfortunately, that advice did not end well with Judge Linda Ampaw who disagreed and said: “I thought you are supposed to talk about relationship.
That scripture is talking about marriage. Wives submit, girlfriends are not part.”
Judge Bernie Asher also added, “I support what Linda said. It’s in the context of marriage and not what you do prior to marriage.”
Last eviction night
Last Sunday was the last eviction night and the theme for the night was “Relationship”.
The contestants were to give an account of the kind of men they wanted to settle down with.
From the Upper East Region, Wekia performed on “Marriage is overrated”, explaining that the concept of marriage was not to shut the dreams and ambitions of the woman, which had been the order of the day.
She acted as someone who had suffered a broken heart from two failed relationships because the men thought that she was over-ambitious.
Wekia, who believed that marriage was an institution which allowed both partners to share their love and ambition, said: “Majority of the men are used to letting their wives sit back and only give them support as they achieve their dreams.
Why can’t both partners achieve their dreams and still manage the home?”
She also questioned why society saw something wrong with a single woman in her 30s but had nothing to say to a single man in his 50s.
The Upper East beauty who was looking out for a man who would complement her said, “Society must understand that marriage does not define a woman’s substance.”
Walking elegantly on stage, Abena appeared as a teacher to lecture on “Attributes to look out for before settling down with him”.
In an order of preference, she stated her own attributes as “God-fearing, educated, hardworking, romantic and caring, faithful and wealthy”.
Her reason for God-fearing as her number one was that they were faithful, truthful and not liars.
She also explained that wealthy was her last preference because men who were well- to-do hardly allowed their wives to work, but she preferred to be independent and not rely so much on a man’s money.
Judge Bernie Asher, who seemed not to agree that God-fearing men were faithful, said: “Not all God-fearing men are faithful. So would you say David was a God-fearing man?”
Ashanti Region’s Afrah ended the performances with a talk on “Choose right”, which ended up confusing judges as she was not clear with her points and kept contradicting herself.